Bug #2348
closedLogs windows Crash
When i have actived the logs on message private (by nick) in options, the client (AdiIRC) crash now only when i open logs windows (/logs).
History :
Before i have checked only channel logs, and it was good (windows logs OK). And now i have checked on private message, and the script crash.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 9 years ago
Did you submit a crash report from the crash?
Also what version of AdiIRC are you using?
Updated by shinagora shinagora over 9 years ago
The logs error is empty. (surely because the client crash, dont close the window, its pending, i need close with ctrl+alt+del)
My version is the last : 1.9.9 64 bit
Updated by Per Amundsen over 9 years ago
Without a crash report it's not much I can do.
Would you be able to list all the filenames in your log folders, maybe one of them causes the crash.
If you are worried about privacy, you can email them to amundsen@gmail.com
Updated by shinagora shinagora over 9 years ago
I listed all files in directory log, the log for server and private message its OK, the files is created. But the windows log in the client dont work, crash again.
After i have delete all log, but dont work too.
I think the bug is in windows /logs. When i type /logs, the windows log open the icon in top of client and left (where they are channels list) but waiting and crash the script.
Sorry, i understand its difficult if you have no report from the crash :(
Thank you, your script is very good, and I continue to use same with this small problem :)
Updated by Per Amundsen over 9 years ago
Okay that does narrow it down.
Try open your config.ini .. (you can type /paths -o to open the config folder) and copy paste the lines under [LastLogs], if there is a username in it, you can blank that out, just need to see if there is anything wrong in the paths.
You could also try delete this section and see if that fixes the problem.
Updated by shinagora shinagora over 9 years ago
Thank you for the fast replies,
Then i checked the config.ini (lastlogs), i had many lines (60 000 lines)
Content :
Maybe that causes the bug (overloaded).
I have delete all lines, reloaded the client and its work now =)
Thank you again for your support
Updated by Per Amundsen over 9 years ago
- Category set to Interface
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to Per Amundsen
- Target version set to 2.0
Ah yes this was fixed in #2313 this is very bad, will make a new release soon with fix, thanks.