



Bug #433


AdiIRC doesn't write 'Show in active Window'-settings away in config file.

Added by RoestVrijStaal ~~~ over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:


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Operative System:
Windows 7


Version: 1.8.10
OS: Windows 7 Pro SP1 32 bit.

Today I found out that the check-options of 'Show in active window' in the Option dialog aren't saved in the file, even when the apply-button is pressed several times.

The checked options keep getting the old / build-in state when reopening the dialog.

Could you please fix this? I'm missing all the wallops and that's pretty annoying since I'm op at a couple of channels.

Actions #1

Updated by Per Amundsen over 12 years ago

  • Category set to Irc
  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee set to Per Amundsen
  • Priority changed from Normal to High

You are completely right, this is a big mistake, thanks for reporting, i am fixing it right now and will be putting out a beta with a fix in a few hours.

Actions #2

Updated by RoestVrijStaal ~~~ over 12 years ago

Per Amundsen wrote:

You are completely right, this is a big mistake, thanks for reporting, i am fixing it right now and will be putting out a beta with a fix in a few hours.

Hey, thank you very much for your quick reply!

One question: does the beta have 'Known Issues' which is still worked on?

Actions #3

Updated by Per Amundsen over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved

I just uploaded a new beta now with a fix, I tested it and wallops shows up in the right place.

Usually the betas are more bugfree than the regular versions as I fix bugs constantly, sometimes I make a mistake and break something, but I try fix it as fast as possible if I catch it or others notify me about it :)

Atm I working very hard in implementing mIRC scripting, I break and fix stuff there a lot, but shouldn't be a problem for day to day use.

You can get a beta by going to Options -> General and mark "check periodically for new beta versions".

Let me know if it works :)

Actions #4

Updated by Per Amundsen over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

I take it everything works now with the fix, if not please open a new ticket :)

Actions #5

Updated by RoestVrijStaal ~~~ over 12 years ago

I couldn't test it that much because no Wallops are send during my activity. However, I got Wallop messages which are send when I was offline in the active window, so I think it's fixed.


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