Feature #4765
closedShow Close (ctrl + w) on treebar menu
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Updated by eahm eahm over 5 years ago
On the switchbar menu it's at the bottom yes.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 5 years ago
They both use the exact same menu, make sure you are clicking on a window name and not the blank area and that you are using the "System" menu and not the "Window" menu.
Updated by eahm eahm over 5 years ago
Ohh I see, in the switchbar you can click anywhere but in the treebar you have to click the icon. All good, sorry about the trouble, I thought I checked better.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 5 years ago
- Category set to Interface
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
- Assignee set to Per Amundsen
You can enable this option to click anywhere on the row