Feature #5447
closedAbility to set Favicons for each Server
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We can pull favicons from the server website. Does not work with all servers, some don't have an icon. Or we can stick with a generic server icon.
One thing missing is custom per-server icons. There is a workaround: We name an .ico file with the high level server address and dump it in the /config/Cache folder, but it would be nice to have this as a proper option in the server picker somewhere. Or under Options->Icons. Either would make sense.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 3 years ago
You can set a icon to any window by right-clicking the window in Treebar/Switchbar and select the "Icon" menu.
Updated by Myles D over 3 years ago
Oh.. I was using only the Tree bar. Good reason to keep the "Window" icon enabled. Thanks.
Updated by Myles D over 3 years ago
- Assignee changed from Per Amundsen to Myles D
Updated by Myles D over 3 years ago
- Assignee changed from Myles D to Per Amundsen