Bug #5689
closedAdiIRC should refuse to start if config file or serverlist file is locked/in use
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AdiIRC should refuse to start if config file or serverlist file is unaccessible
Updated by Per Amundsen about 2 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Updated by eahm eahm about 2 years ago
Isn't it better if it starts with default configs if they are not accessible or not present? Or give an error msg? Sorry jumping in, not actually sure what happens when they are not accessible until I test.
Updated by Per Amundsen about 2 years ago
- Subject changed from AdiIRC should refuse to start if config file or serverlist file is unaccessible to AdiIRC should refuse to start if config file or serverlist file is locked/in use
No, this is for situations where the config file is in use/locked by another program, e.g when starting 2 instances of adiirc at the exact time accidentally etc.
If it started with default options, it would overwrite the config file with these default options at some point, this is to avoid exactly that.
Maybe unaccessible is the wrong word.
I changed it.