



Bug #5747


TreeBar Tiled Background Not Rendering When Toggled After Hidden

Added by Todd A. Rivers almost 2 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

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Just wanted to report that when I hide the Treebar & toggle it back on, the tiled wallpaper doesn't render. It appears again when I goto Options > Backgrounds & Save the settings (must be refreshing it.) I set my shortcut key for the Treebar to Ctrl+G It has a beige tile wallpaper that just appears as orange color when unhidden after a long time. Perhaps it's a script I'am running causing this or it's a refresh issue.


Screenshot (279).png (384 KB) Screenshot (279).png TreeBar Unhidden (Plain Color Instead of Tiles) Todd A. Rivers, 06/21/2023 07:14 PM
Screenshot (278).png (702 KB) Screenshot (278).png TreeBar Hidden (Tiled Background Showed) Todd A. Rivers, 06/21/2023 07:14 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Per Amundsen almost 2 years ago

I am not able to reproduce this. Does it update when you swap channel window?

I did notice that the Treebar node background colors are not transparent as they should be. I'll fix that.

Actions #2

Updated by Per Amundsen almost 2 years ago

I think I figured it out. Do you see Treebar pinned? I can reproduce when the Treebar is pinned.

Updated by Todd A. Rivers almost 2 years ago

Per Amundsen wrote in #note-2:

I think I figured it out. Do you see Treebar pinned? I can reproduce when the Treebar is pinned.

While I'am not 100% certain, I think it only occurs when my username is "f4t4l_3rr0r" As "komodokitty" I couldn't reproduce it. Also, I was editing a lot in the Server Editor & it popped opened a couple of times on Startup, that could be cause of either. Or a pagination issue.

& no I don't know how to "pin" it, I just use the hotkey Ctrl+G to toggle it.

P.S: I can confirm it happens everytime I toggle it on when my username is "f4t4l_3rr0r" I kept the TreeBar closed when quitting Adi & when I relaunched Adi & toggled the TreeBar visible the plain orange color appeared instead of the tiles ! My username "f4t4l_3rr0r" seems to be glitching the TreeBar rendering !

P.P.S: Nvm it happened even when I switched to "komodokitty" The fix is to toggle the TreeBar visible, then goto Options > Background > select TreeBar & hit Save, it works again !

P.P.P.S: Oh you mean the "Lock Bars" —yeah it appears again when you uncheck "Lock Bars" !

Actions #4

Updated by Per Amundsen almost 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Operative System changed from Windows 10 to All

I figured it out, should be fixed in next beta.

Actions #5

Updated by Per Amundsen almost 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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