



Bug #5799


Wallpaper shining through if maximized on secondary screen

Added by su msi about 1 year ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

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If i have AdiIRC (v4.4 64bit, Windows 11 23H2) maximized on a secondary screen, the desktop wallpaper is shining through on the left for one pixel on the left

the green line on the left in the attached 'maximized' image is the wallpaper shining through, it is the full height but not on the window titlebar, so window is fully maximized

happens on all my 3 secondary screens, with a panel on the left or without

does not happen in windowed mode
does not happen in fullscreen mode (F11)
does not happen on main screen


adiirc_max.png (5.15 KB) adiirc_max.png maximized su msi, 03/02/2024 05:18 PM
adiirc_window.png (6.77 KB) adiirc_window.png windowed su msi, 03/02/2024 05:18 PM
filezilla_maximized.png (5.1 KB) filezilla_maximized.png su msi, 03/02/2024 08:29 PM
adiirc_focused.png (5.27 KB) adiirc_focused.png su msi, 03/02/2024 08:41 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Per Amundsen about 1 year ago

What happens if you move or hide the Treebar? Also, do you have Lock Bars enabled or disabled?

Actions #2

Updated by su msi about 1 year ago

same without treebar and lockbars on and off, and combinations

Actions #3

Updated by Per Amundsen about 1 year ago

It's weird odd that it doesn't effect the titlebar. I'll think more about possible causes.

Updated by su msi about 1 year ago

oh sry, i didn't checked this all through accurately with other programs, first time multi monitor setup here

this seems to be more a windows thing or combination, it also occurs on some other programs, attached eg a screenshot of filezilla (not focused)

and i just came across that it also affects the titlebar, but only if the window is focused (no clue, how i overlooked that in the first place), screenshot attached

maybe this helps

Actions #5

Updated by Per Amundsen about 1 year ago

That's interesting, most likely a windows issue then.

is there any program which does not do this?

Actions #6

Updated by su msi about 1 year ago ยท Edited

all the windows applications, office, explorer and so
and i just found audacity, firefox and thunderbird that also don't do this

Actions #7

Updated by Per Amundsen about 1 year ago

Good to know, I'll investigate if it's something that can be fixed in the programs.

Actions #8

Updated by su msi about 1 year ago

thx for taking a look at it


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