Feature #5476
Updated by Kostas K about 3 years ago
Greetings I have latest AdiIRC beta 4.2 on win 11. First of all, I'm glad that AdiIRC is listed in 'winget upgrade' : !https://i.imgur.com/f9MudcQ.jpg! The (installed) version above, 3.9, is the one at the time of the initial install. (see: Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs (ARP) : !https://i.imgur.com/aHMwrNv.jpg! But, currently, the latest AdiIRC stable version is 4.1 and beta has become 4.2 . I am aware the that current update procedure is to just download the AdiIRC executable AdiIRC.exe in %temp% and copy it to 'Program Files'. Nevertheless, I'd like to ask you please to consider, if possible, with every update using the built-in updater, the version in ARP to change accordingly (in my case to 4.2) . Thank you