


$bytes » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Per Amundsen, 09/09/2020 10:02 AM) → Revision 6/7 (Per Amundsen, 02/18/2022 02:45 AM)

_Added in 1.9.0_ 

 *$bytes(N,bkmgt3dp)* *$bytes(N,bkmgt3d)* 

 Returns comma formatted file-size. 

 _Supports "Big Integers": 


 N - The number to format. 
 b - Show N in bytes. 
 k - Show N in kilobytes. 
 m - Show N in megabytes. 
 g - Show N in gigabytes. 
 t - Show N in terabytes. 
 3 - Show in 3 digits format. 
 d - *TODO* 
 p - Show N in petabytes. 


 .suf - Appends the b, k, M, G, T suffixes to the result. 


 ; Returns 1. 
 //echo -ag $bytes(1024, k) 

 ; Returns 1KB. 
 //echo -ag $bytes(1024, k).suf 