




AdiIRC has a powerful scripting language which can be used to extend/change the clients behavior.

It's modeled after the popular mIRC scripting language, make sure you read the compatibility section.

Choose a category to read more:

Example scripts

Simple kickcounter script:

alias kick { 
    if (!%kickcount) %kickcount = 0

    inc %kickcount

    if (!$3) { 
        kick # $$2 Kick number %kickcount

Kickban example

alias kb {
  if (!$1) {
    echo /kb - Nick missing

  var %msg = $iif(#, $2-, $3-)
  var %chan = $iif(#, #, $2)

  ; Set this for default ban reason, or remove for no default reason
  ; Can be shortened to %msg = $iif(%msg, %msg, GTFO)
  if (!%msg) %msg = GTFO

  if ($me isop %chan) {
    MODE %chan +b $wildsite
    KICK %chan $1 %msg
  else echo You are not oper on %chan

Simple calculator script:

alias calc {
  if (!$1) {
    echo /calc - Parameters missing

  ; typing /calc -p <expression> sends output to channel
  if ($1 == -p) {
    msg # Calculating : $2-
    msg # Result is : $calc($2-)
  else {
    echo Calculating : $1-
    echo Result is : $calc($1-)

Colored version

alias calc {
  if (!$1) {
    echo /calc - Parameters missing

  # typing /calc -p <expression> sends output to channel
  if ($1 == -p) {
    msg # $chr(3) $+ 4Calculating : $2-
    msg # $chr(3) $+ 4Result is : $calc($2-)
  else {
    echo $chr(3) $+ 4Calculating : 4$1-
    echo $chr(3) $+ 4Result is : $calc($1-)

CTCP flood detection example

CTCP *:*:*:{
  if (!%count) set -u10 %count 1
  else inc -u10 %count 1

  if (%count > 4) ignore -tu30 $wildsite

Mass mode example

alias mass {
  if (!$2) {
    echo /mass - Parameters missing [+/-<mode> <nick> <nick> <nick>]

  %len = 2

  ; equal to while (%len <= $count(%1-, $chr(32)))
  while (%len <= $0) {
    if ($(%len) ison #) mode # $1 $($ $+ %len)
    inc %len

Shows info about servers, channels and users

on *:JOIN:#: {
  var %s = $scon(0), %c = 0, %u = 0, %t = 0, %c2 = 0;

  while (%t < %s) {
    inc %t
    scon $scon(%t);
    inc %c $chan(0)

    %c2 = 0
    while (%c2 < $chan(0)) {
      inc %c2
      inc %u $nick($chan(%c2), 0)

  /echo You are on ( $+ %s $+ ) servers, ( $+ %c $+ ) channels with ( $+ %u $+ ) users

It is possible to use scripts as functions.
These functions are fully nested like the client functions.

Lets say you make a /mycalc like this.

alias mycalc {
  return $calc($$1 + $$2);

Then you can call this function with eiter /mycalc <number> <number> the normal way or $mycalc(<number, <number>)
Typing /testcalc will show the result.

alias testcalc {
  echo -a $1 + $2 is $mycalc($1, $2);
  echo -a 5 + 4 is $mycalc(5, 4);

Simple convert temperature C to F or F to C
/temp C 20 will print 68 F

alias temp {
  if ($1 == C) echo $calc(($2 * 9/5) + 32) F
  else if ($1 == F) echo $round($calc(($2 - 32) * 5/9), 1) C
  else echo Temp missing

Announce song changes in a channel or to a user

On *:SONG:{ 
  nmsg <network> <channel/Nick> $1-

Announce to several channels with:

On *:SONG:{ 
  nmsg <network> <channel1/Nick>,<channel2/Nick> $1-
  nmsg <network2> <channel3/Nick> $1- 

Automatically find the summary of a imdb url

On *:TEXT:*:#k: {
  var %reg = $regex($1-, http://www\.imdb\.com(/title/[a-z0-9]+/))
  if (!%reg) { return }
  sockclose imdb
  unset %data
  %imdb = $regml(1) $+ plotsummary
  %imdbchan = #
  sockopen imdb 80

on *:sockopen:imdb: {
  sockwrite -n imdb GET %imdb HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n imdb Host:
  sockwrite -n imdb User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.24 Safari/536.5
  sockwrite -n imdb Referer:
  sockwrite -n imdb Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,video/x-mng,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif;q=0.2,text/css,*/*;q=0.1
  sockwrite -n imdb Accept-Language: en-us, en;q=0.50
  sockwrite -n imdb Connection: Close $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

on *:sockread:imdb:{
  sockread %text
  %data = %data $+ %text 

on *:sockclose:imdb: {
  if ($regex(%data, <p class="plotSummary">([\s\S]*?)</p>)) {
    msg %imdbchan $regml(1)

  unset %data

mIRC scripting compatibility

Although mostly compatible, AdiIRC scripting is not fully compatible, there are missing features, various bugs and differences.

As such, asking for AdIRC scripting help should not be done in mIRC specific channels or forums, unless it's a script developed for mIRC and the question is related to mIRC only.

You can ask for AdiIRC scripting help on the Scripting forum or in the #adiirc channel on

Submitting scripting bug reports

First verify the script works correctly in mIRC unless it uses AdIRC specific features, then narrow down the bug to the smallest possible lines of code before submitting.

Include as much information about the problem as possible, such as observed behavior and what the expected behavior should be.

More information

You can find many AdiIRC scripts in the Scripting forum or mIRC scripts in places such as

Not everyone will work, if you find one that doesn't, see above on how to report a bug.

For more on mIRC scripting and how it works, check out and

Known issues

Scripts checking for $version will probably not work since $version returns the AdiIRC version, not mIRC version. (Removing the version check will fix that)
Scripts reading $mircini for mIRC specific options will not work in AdiIRC since AdiIRC has different options and uses a completely different options layout.
[] brackets doesn't work inside identifiers and /if expressions without surrounding the brackets with spaces.
DLL's designed to inject them self into mIRC's memory/internals doesn't work (and never will).
DLL's designed for mIRC are 32 bit and will never work in 64 bit version of AdiIRC.
Some identifiers/commands/features are not implemented (some never will be), check the Identifiers and Commands pages.
Small number of identifiers/commands parameters are not implemented, usually with features not available in AdiIRC yet (or ever), search for TODO in the search box.
Some identifiers/commands may have slightly different behavior/results in various places, but usually nothing to worry about.
Since there are no 64 bit version of the Wscript.Shell COM object, scripts using it wont work in 64 bit AdiIRC unless tsc64 is installed.
There might be other COM objects with no 64 bit version, use 32 bit AdiIRC if necessary.

Updated by Per Amundsen over 3 years ago · 246 revisions

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