- Table of contents
- System Information
- /bw
- Others
- $appbits
- $audio
- $battery
- $batteryp
- $bwdown
- $bwdownb
- $bwname
- $bwrec
- $bwrecb
- $bwsent
- $bwsentb
- $bwspeed
- $bwup
- $bwupb
- $cpucache
- $cpucount
- $cpuident
- $cpuload
- $cpumhz
- $cpuname
- $cpuvendor
- $diskfree
- $disktotal
- $dotnet
- $gfx
- $gfxram
- $lag
- $memfree
- $memfreep
- $memtotal
- $motherboard
- $os
- $osbits
- $osbuild
- $osedition
- $osidle
- $osinstalldate
- $osmajor
- $osminor
- $osname
- $osservicepack
- $osversion
- $screen
- $screenb
- $screenh
- $screenhz
- $screenw
- $uphours
- $upmins
- $uptime
System Information¶
Added in 1.4.6
Sends download/upload speed to current channel or private window, if a network adapter is chosen in Options -> Sysinfo.
Added in 1.9.2
Returns 32 on 32 bit AdiIRC and 64 bit on 64 bit AdiIRC. (Regardless of windows bits, see $osbits for that)
Deprecated see $bits
Added in 1.8.10
Returns the name first audio card detected by AdiIRC. (may not be your default audio card)
Returns the name of the Nth audio card detected by AdIIRC.
If N is 0, it will return the count of how many audio cards was detected.
Parameter | Description |
N | The Nth audio card. |
Added in 2.3
Returns $true if running on battery, otherwise returns $false.
See also $batteryp.
Added in 2.3
If running on battery, returns percentage left, otherwise 100.
See also $battery.
Added in 1.5
Returns current download bandwidth speed in human readable format on selected network adapter.
Added in 1.5
Returns current download bandwidth speed in bytes on selected network adapter.
Added in 1.5
Return network adapter name of the network adapter to monitor bandwidth, if no network adapter is defined, returns $null.
This can be chosen in Options -> Sysinfo -> Network Adapter.
Added in 1.9.2
Returns numbers of bytes received in human readable format on selected network adapter.
Added in 1.9.3
Returns numbers of bytes received in byte format on selected network adapter.
Added in 1.9.2
Returns numbers of bytes sent in human readable format on selected network adapter.
Added in 1.9.3
Returns numbers of bytes sent in byte format on selected network adapter.
Added in 1.5
Returns the connection (LAN) speed on selected network adapter.
Added in 1.5
Returns current upload bandwidth speed in human readable format on selected network adapter.
Added in 1.5
Returns current upload bandwidth speed in bytes on selected network adapter.
Added in 1.5
Returns cpu cache in bytes for 1 core.
Added in 1.5
Returns numbers of cpu's and cores.
Added in 1.5
Returns cpu identifier.
Added in 1.8.10
Returns current CPU load in percentage.
Can take a while to return a value/freeze on first use.
.cores - Returns the combined load of all CPU cores.
Added in 3.4
Returns the current CPU load in percentage for the Nth core.
Parameter | Description |
N | If N = 0 returns number of cores, otherwise the load for the Nth cpu core. |
//echo -ag the current load for the 3rd core is $cpuload(3)
Added in 1.5
Returns cpu frequency in megahertz.
Added in 1.5
Returns cpu name.
Added in 1.8.10
Returns cpu vendor identifier.
Added in 1.5
Returns total free disk space from all drives in human readable format.
Added in 1.5
Returns total disk space from all drives in human readable format.
Added in 1.9.2
Returns the .NET (dotnet) version AdiIRC is currently running on.
Added in 1.6
Returns the name of the first graphics card found.
Might not be the default graphics card.
Returns the name of the Nth graphics card found.
Parameter | Description |
N | If N = 0, number of graphics cards, otherwise the Nth graphics card. |
; Print number of graphics cards. //echo -ag $gfx(0) ; Print the name of the first graphics cards. //echo -ag $gfx(1)
Added in 1.6
Returns the amount of vram in megabytes from the first graphics card found.
Might not be the default graphics card and might not return more than 4096.
Returns the amount of vram in megabytes from the Nth graphics card found.
Parameter | Description |
N | If N = 0, number of graphics cards, otherwise the Nth graphics card. |
; Print number of graphics cards. //echo -ag $gfxram(0) ; Print vram of the first graphics cards. //echo -ag $gfxram(1)
Added in 1.9.0
Returns connection lag to current active IRC server in milliseconds.
Added in 1.6
Returns free ram in megabytes format.
Added in 1.6
Returns free ram in percentage format.
Added in 1.6
Returns total amount of installed ram in megabytes format.
Added in 1.9.0
Returns the motherboard manufacturer and version name.
Added in 1.9.0
Returns the version number of the operating system.
The reply can be XP, 2003, 2003R2, Vista, 2008, 7, 2008R2, 8, 2012, 8.1, 2012R2, 2016, 10 0r 11.
Property | Description |
.major | Returns the os major version. (May returns wrong value in windows 11+) |
.minor | Returns the os minor version. |
.build | Returns the os build number. |
.platform | Returns the os platform. |
.type | Returns the os type. |
.spmajor | Returns the os service pack major version. |
.spminor | Returns the os service pack minor version. |
.suite | Returns the os suite. |
Added in 1.9.7
Returns "32" on 32 bit windows, and "64" on 64 bit version of windows.
Added in 1.8.10
Returns the windows build number.
Added in 1.8.10
Returns the windows edition.
Added in 1.9.7
Returns number of seconds since last keystroke or mouse movement.
/timer 1 5 echo -ag Computer has been idle for $osidle seconds
Added in 1.9.1
Returns the date windows was installed in unix timestamp format.
Added in 1.8.10
Returns the major windows version number.
Added in 1.8.10
Returns the minor windows version number.
Added in 1.8.10
Returns the name of the windows version. (Windows 7, Windows 8 etc)
Added in 1.8.10
Returns the windows service pack version.
Added in 1.5
Returns the version number of the operating system.
Added in 1.8.2
Returns the name of the first screen found.
Returns the name of the Nth screen found.
Parameter | Description |
N | If N = 0, the number of screens found, otherwise the Nth screen. |
; Print number of screens. //echo -ag $screen(0) ; Print the name of the first screen found. //echo -ag $screen(1)
Added in 1.8.2
Returns the bit depth of the first screen found.
Returns the bit depth of the Nth screen found.
Parameter | Description |
N | If N = 0, the number of screens found, otherwise the Nth screen. |
; Print number of screens. //echo -ag $screenb(0) ; Print the bith depth of the first screen found. //echo -ag $screenb(1)
Added in 1.8.2
Returns the height of the first screen found.
Returns the height of the Nth screen found.
Parameter | Description |
N | If N = 0, the number of screens found, otherwise the Nth screen. |
; Print number of screens. //echo -ag $screenh(0) ; Print the height of the first screen found. //echo -ag $screenh(1)
Added in 2.3
Returns the refresh rate of the first screen found.
Returns the refresh rate of the Nth screen found.
Parameter | Description |
N | If N = 0, the number of screens found, otherwise the Nth screen. |
; Print number of screens. //echo -ag $screenhz(0) ; Print the refresh rate of the first screen found. //echo -ag $screenhz(1)
Added in 1.8.2
Returns the width of the first screen found.
Returns the width of the Nth screen found.
Parameter | Description |
N | If N = 0, the number of screens found, otherwise the Nth screen. |
; Print number of screens. //echo -ag $screenw(0) ; Print the width of the first screen found. //echo -ag $screenw(1)
Added in 1.6
Hours since computer was last (re)started.
Added in 1.6
Minutes since computer was last (re)started.
Added in 1.9.6
Returns connection time in seconds for the associated server connection.
Added in 1.9.2
$uptime(mirc|AdiIRC|server|system[, N])
Returns uptime in milliseconds for the specified item.
Parameter | Description |
mirc|AdiIRC|server|system | Item to retrieve uptime for. |
N | Optional, if N = 1 returns same format as $duration, if N = 2 returns same format as $duration but without seconds, and if N = 3 returns seconds instead of milliseconds. |
; Current connection uptime. //echo -ag Server has been connected $uptime seconds ; AdiIRC uptime. //echo -ag AdiIRC has been connected $uptime(AdiIRC, 1)
Updated by Per Amundsen about 8 years ago · 4 revisions