





Added in 1.9.0

/socklisten [-dpuEn] [bindip] <name> [port] [certificate]

Listens on the specified port for connections to that port. If a port is not specified, the port is selected randomly from the range specified in Options -> DCC Options -> Port Range.


Switch Description
-d Switch indicates that you specified an ip address as the bind address.
-p Enables UPnP support for the listening socket, if that is available.
-u Enables dual stack sockets.
-E Creates a SSL listening socket. (AdiIRC only)
-n Disables the Nagle algorithm.


Parameter Description
[bindip] Ip address to bind to. (used with -d)
<name> Name to give the listening connection.
[port] Port to listen on.
[certificate] the SSL certificate pfx file to use with -E, if not specified, the global client certificate is used. (AdiIRC only)


Added in 1.8.10

/sockopen [-dentI46Cuswap] [bindip] <name> <address/hostname> <port> [certificate]

Opens a socket connection to the specified ipaddress/hostname and port.


Switch Description
-d The specified IP address is the bind ip address.
-e Creates an SSL connection.
-n Disables the Nagle algorithm.
-I Accept invalid remote SSL/TLS certificates. (AdiIRC only, deprecated)
-4 Connect to Ipv4 addresses.
-6 Connect to Ipv6 addresses.
-C Indicates that client [certificate] is specified. (AdiIRC only)
-u Enables dual stack sockets.
-s Skip invalid remote SSL/TLS certificates certificates.
-w Display warning dialog for invalid remote SSL/TLS certificates.
-a Accept invalid remote SSL/TLS certificates.
-p Prevent remote SSL/TLS certificate caching.


Parameter Description
[bindip] Bind ip to be used.
<name> Socket connection name.
<address/hostname> Remote ip address or hostname to connect to.
<port> Remote port to connect to.
[certificate] the SSL certificate pfx file to use with -C, if not specified, the global client certificate is used. (AdiIRC only)


alias example {
  ; Initiate a connection with "" on port 6669, Secured connection.
  /sockopen -e IRC +6697

on *:sockopen:IRC:{
  ; Send our USER and NICK irc commands.
  /sockwrite -n IRC USER Tester $+ $rand(1,100) Test Test:mSL Testing $+ $crlf
  /sockwrite -n IRC NICK Tester $+ $rand(1,100) $crlf

; Show all receiving data in a window.
on *:sockread:IRC:{
  /window -de @IRC
  /var %x
  /sockread %x
  /aline -p @IRC $iif(%x,$v1,-)


Added in 1.8.10

/sockclose <name>

Closes the connection with the specified name. If you specify a wildcard name, all connections that match the wildcard are closed.


Parameter Description
<name> Socket name to close.


Added in 1.9.0

/sockread [-fn] [numbytes] <%var|&binvar>

Reads bytes from the receive buffer into the specified variable.

If you specify a %var variable, a line of text ending with a Carriage Return/LineFeed is read into %var. The $crlf are stripped off (this may result in %var being $null if the line only consisted of $crlf).

If you specify a &binvar then [numbytes] of info is read into the binary variable. If no [numbytes] is specified it defaults to 4096 bytes.


Switch Description
-f Forces AdiIRC to fill the %var variable with whatever text is in the receive buffer, even if it does not end in a $crlf.
-n allows you to read a $crlf terminated line into a &binvar. If the incoming line does not contain a $crlf, no bytes will be read into &binvar, unless you specify the -f switch, which forces the read (same as when reading into %vars).


Parameter Description
[numbytes] Number of bytes to read into &binvar.
<%var|&binvar> %var or &binvar to read the data into.


Added in 1.8.10

/sockwrite [-tnba] <name> [numbytes] <text|%var|&binvar>

Queues data to be sent on the specified connection. AdiIRC will then try to send that info as quickly as it can. Once it has finished sending the info, it triggers the on sockwrite event so you can send more info if you need to.

You can use a wildcardd name to send the same information at once to all connections that match the wildcard.

If the write fails, it will set $sock().wserr to the error value, and triggers the on sockwrite event with $sockerr set.


Switch Description
-t Forces AdiIRC to send anything beginning with a & as normal text instead of interpreting it as a binary variable.
-n Appends a $crlf to the line being sent if it is not a &binvar and if it does not already have a $crlf.
-b Indicates that you are specifying the numbytes value which is the number of bytes you want sent.
-a Disables UTF-8 encoding of characters in the range 0-255, as long as the text contains no characters > 255.


Parameter Description
<name> Name of the connection to send to.
[numbytes] Number of bytes to send. (used with -b)
<text|%var|&binvar> Plain text, %var or &binvar to send.


Added in 1.9.0

/sockpause [-r] <name>

Pauses/restarts a socket when reading incoming data.


Switch Description
-r Restarts a socket instead of pausing.


Parameter Description
<name> Socket to modify.


Added in 1.9.0

/sockmark <name> [text]

Assigns temporary data to a socket to be referenced later using $sock(<name>).mark. Leaving the [text] parameter $null will clear the socket mark. The sockmark command can be used to assign the same data to multiple sockets using a wildcard pattern.


Parameter Description
<name> Socket to mark.
[text] Text to add to the socket mark.


; Non-functioning example, shows practical usage only
on $*:text:/^!foo (\S+)$/Si:#:{
  ; if ( .. validate input .. ) {
  sockopen sock1 80
  sockmark sock1 $regml(1)
on *:sockopen:sock1:{
  ; submit the information we got from the user 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /foobar.php?q= $+ sock($sockname).mark HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host:
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
; on *:sockread:sock1: {
;    ....
; }


Added in 1.9.0

/sockrename <name> <newname>

Assigns a new name to an existing connection.


Parameter Description
<name> Socket to rename.
<newname> New socket name.


Added in 1.9.0

/sockaccept [-n] <name>

Accepts the current connection to your listening port and assigns it a name to identify it.


Switch Description
-n Disables the Nagle algorithm.


Parameter Description
<name> Name to assign the connection.


Added in 2.3

/sockudp [-bntkdu] [bindip] <name> [port] <ipaddress> <port> [numbytes] [text|%var|&binvar]

Opens a UDP connection to a remote ipaddress/port and sends a UDP packet.


Switch Description
-b Indicates that you are specifying the numbytes value which is the number of bytes you want sent.
-n Appends a $crlf to the line being sent if it is not a &binvar and if it does not already have a $crlf.
-t Forces AdiIRC to send anything beginning with a & as normal text instead of interpreting it as a binary variable.
-k Forces the socket to stay open, so it can receive UDP data.
-d The specified IP address is the bind ip address.
-u Enables dual stack sockets.


Parameter Description
[bindip] Bind ip to be used.
<name> Socket connection name.
[port] Bind port to be used.
<ipaddress> Remote ipaddress to connect to.
<port> Remote port to connect to.
[numbytes] Number of bytes to send. (used with -b)
[text|%var|&binvar] Text, %variable or &binvar to send.


alias gettime {
  ; Set a NULL byte binary variable.
  bset &null 1 0

  ; Open a UDP connection to =
  sockudp -k gettime 37 &null

on *:udpread:gettime: {

  ; Read the reply.
  sockread -f &time

  var %time $bvar(&time,1,$bvar(&time,0))

  ; Convert to binary, remove spaces.
  var %bin $regsubex(%time, /(\d+)\s?/g, $base(\1, 10, 2, 8))

  ; Get the current unix time in decimal system.
  var %time = $base(%bin, 2, 10)

  ; Print the time and close the socket.
  echo -ag Currnt Time/Date: $asctime($calc(%time - 2208988800), yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss TT)
  sockclose $sockname


Added in 1.9.0

/socklist [-tul] [name]

Lists all matching open sockets.


Switch Description
-t Lists only tcp sockets.
-u Lists only udp sockets.
-l Lists only listening sockets.


Parameter Description
[name] List socket matching name, can be a wildcard.


Added in 1.9.0

/bindip [on|off] <ipaddress/adapter>

Bind or toggles ip address/network adapter for DCC transfers.

/bindip with no parameters shows current status.


Parameter Description
on Sets bind on.
off Sets bind off.
<ipaddress/adapter>* IpAddress or Network Adapter to bind to.


;Binds ip to

;Finds local ip address on Local Network Adapter and binds to it.
/bindip Local Network Adapter

;Disable binding.
/bindip off


Added in 1.9.0


Returns information about a the Nth socket connection.


Parameter Description
name Name to lookup, can be a wildcard.
[N} If N = 0, number of matches, otherwise the Nth match. (optionally)


Property Description
.name Name of the socket.
.addr Hostname the socket is connected to.
.sent Number of bytes sent.
.rcvd Number of bytes received.
.sq Number of bytes in send queue.
.rq Number of bytes in receive queue.
.status Status of the connection: paused/active.
.ip IP Addresss the socket is connected to.
.port Port the socket is connected to.
.ls Number of seconds since the socket last sent data.
.lr Number of seconds since the socket last received data.
.mark Socket mark set by /sockmark.
.type Socket type udp/tcp.
.to Number of sockets since it was opened.
.wsmsg Return the last socket error message.
.wserr Return the last socket error.
.pause Returns $true if socket is paused, otherwise $false.
.ssl Returns $true if socket is a SSL connection, otherwise $false.
.sport Returns the source port from the last received UDP packet.
.saddr Returns the source address from the last received UDP packet.
.bindip Returns the local ip address the socket is bound to.
.bindport Returns the local port the socket is bound to.
.starttls TODO
.certfile Returns the server certificate file if the socket is a listening socket, otherwise the client certificate file. (AdiIRC only)
.upnp Returns $true if using UPNP otherwise $false.


; Print number of sockets.
//echo -ag $sock(*, 0)

; Print the first socket.
//echo -ag $sock(*, 1)


Added in 1.9.0


Returns the number of bytes read during a on SOCKREAD event.


; Open a socket connection to '' port '80'.
/sockopen Example 80

; Listen for the on SOCKOPEN event.
on *:SOCKOPEN:Example:{
  ; Write a GET request.
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET / HTTP/1.0 
  sockwrite -n $sockname

; Listen for the on SOCKREAD event.
on *:SOCKREAD:Example:{
  ; Create a local variable to hold the data.
  var %i

  ; Read the data waiting into the local variable.
  sockread %i

  ; Print number of bytes read.
  echo -ag Read $sockbr bytes.

  ; Close the connection.
  sockclose $sockname


Added in 1.9.0


Returns any error during a socket command or socket event.


; Open a socket connection to '' port '80'.
alias Example {
  /sockopen Example 80

  ; Check if there was an error.
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -ag There was an error: $sockerr

; Listen for the on SOCKOPEN event.
on *:SOCKOPEN:Example:{
  ; Write a GET request.
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET / HTTP/1.0 
  sockwrite -n $sockname

  ; Check if there was an error.
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -ag There was an error: $sockerr

; Listen for the on SOCKREAD event.
on *:SOCKREAD:Example:{
  ; Check if there was an error.
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -ag There was an error: $sockerr

  ; Create a local variable to hold the data.
  var %i

  ; Read the data waiting into the local variable.
  sockread %i

  ; Print data read.
  echo -ag Data = %i


Added in 1.9.0


Returns the name of a socket during on SOCKCLOSE, on SOCKLISTEN, on SOCKOPEN, on SOCKREAD and on SOCKWRITE events.


; Open a socket connection to '' port '80'.
/sockopen Example 80

; Listen for the on SOCKOPEN event.
on *:SOCKOPEN:*:{
 ; Print the name of the socket.
 echo -ag Sockname is $sockname

 ; Close the socket.
 sockclose $sockname


Added in 1.9.0


Returns information off a network adapter.


Parameter Description
N|ipaddress If N = 0, returns the total number of active network adapters else the Nth network adapter or a network adapter matching the ipaddress.


Property Description
.name Returns the name of matched network adapter.
.ip Returns the internal ipaddress associated with the network adapter.
.loopback Returns $true if the associated internal ipaddress is loopback address otherwise $false.


Added in 1.9.0


Returns $true if the specified port number is not in use, otherwise $false.


Parameter Description
N The port number to check.
[ipaddress] If specified, only the interface with that IP address is checked for used ports, otherwise all active interfaces are checked. An adapter name can also be used instead of an IP address.


; Check if port 4242 is free.
//echo -ag Port 4242 is $iif($portfree(4242), open, not open)


Added in 1.9.3


Returns "ipv4" or "ipv6" if text is is a valid IP address format.


Parameter Description
text The text to validate.


Property Description
expand - Expand a ipv6 address.
.compress Compress a ipv6 address.


; Check a IPv4 address.
//echo -ag is $iptype(

; Check a IPv6 address.
//echo -ag FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329 is $iptype(FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329)


Added in 1.9.0

on <level>:SOCKLISTEN:name:<commands>

Triggers when someone tries to connect to a port that you are listening on using /socklisten.

See also on SOCKOPEN, on SOCKCLOSE, on SOCKREAD, on SOCKWRITE, /socklisten, /sockopen, /sockaccept, $sock, $sockbr, $sockerr, $sockname.


<level> - The User Access Level for the event to trigger.
<name> - The $sockname to listen to.
<commands> - The commands to be performed when the event listener's criteria is met.


; Listen for requests to port 4242.
/socklisten adiirc 4242

; When someone is connecting, accept the connection.
on *:SOCKLISTEN:adiirc:{
  /sockaccept name


Added in 1.9.0

on <level>:SOCKOPEN:<name>:<commands>

Triggers when a /sockopen command is successful and a connection has been made.

See also on SOCKOPEN, on SOCKLISTEN, on SOCKREAD, on SOCKWRITE, /socklisten, /sockopen, /sockaccept, $sock, $sockbr, $sockerr, $sockname.


<level> - The User Access Level for the event to trigger.
<name> - The $sockname to listen to.
<commands> - The commands to be performed when the event listener's criteria is met.

; Open a connection to, port 80.
/sockopen adiirc 80

on *:SOCKOPEN:adiirc:echo -ag Connection to AdiIRC successful | sockclose adiirc


Added in 1.9.0

on <level>:SOCKWRITE:name:<commands>

Triggers when AdiIRC has finished sending all of the data that you previously queued for sending or when the socket is ready for more writing.

See also on SOCKOPEN, on SOCKCLOSE, on SOCKLISTEN, on SOCKWRITE, on UDPREAD, /socklisten, /sockopen, /sockaccept, $sock, $sockbr, $sockerr, $sockname.


<level> - The User Access Level for the event to trigger.
<name> - The $sockname to listen to.
<commands> - The commands to be performed when the event listener's criteria is met.


Added in 1.9.0

on <level>:SOCKREAD:name:<commands>

Triggers when there is info waiting to be read on the specified connection.
You can read this info using the /sockread command.

See also on SOCKOPEN, on SOCKCLOSE, on SOCKLISTEN, on SOCKWRITE, on UDPREAD, /socklisten, /sockopen, /sockaccept, $sock, $sockbr, $sockerr, $sockname.


<level> - The User Access Level for the event to trigger.
<name> - The $sockname to listen to.
<commands> - The commands to be performed when the event listener's criteria is met.


; Open a connection to, port 80.
/sockopen adiirc 80

; Make a request for the index page.
on *:SOCKOPEN:adiirc:{
  sockwrite -n adiirc GET / HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n adiirc Host:
  sockwrite -n adiirc 

on *:SOCKREAD:adiirc:{
  var %s
  sockread %s
  echo -ag Read line %s


Added in 1.9.0

on <level>:SOCKCLOSE:name:<commands>

Triggers when a connection is closed by the remote connection. (not by /sockclose)


<level> - The User Access Level for the event to trigger.
<name> - The $sockname to listen to.
<commands> - The commands to be performed when the event listener's criteria is met.

See also on SOCKLISTEN, on SOCKCLOSE, on SOCKREAD, on SOCKWRITE, /socklisten, /sockopen, /sockaccept, $sock, $sockbr, $sockerr, $sockname.


; Open a connection to, port 80.
/sockopen adiirc 80

; Make a request for the index page.
on *:SOCKOPEN:adiirc:{
  sockwrite -n adiirc GET / HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n adiirc Host:
  sockwrite -n adiirc 

on *:SOCKCLOSE:adiirc:echo -ag closed the connection


Added in 2.3

on <level>:UDPREAD:name:<commands>

Triggers when there is info waiting to be read on the specified UDP connection.
You can read this info using the /sockread command.

See also on SOCKREAD, on SOCKOPEN, on SOCKCLOSE, on SOCKLISTEN, on SOCKWRITE, /sockudp, $sock, $sockbr, $sockerr, $sockname.


<level> - The User Access Level for the event to trigger.
<name> - The UDP $sockname to listen to.
<commands> - The commands to be performed when the event listener's criteria is met.


on *:udpread:name:{
  if ($sockerr) { echo -s An error occurred while trying to read data: $sock($sockname).wsmsg | return }
  else {
    sockread %a
    echo -s received: %a

Updated by Per Amundsen about 8 years ago · 1 revisions

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