



Added in 1.9.0


Returns information about a the Nth socket connection.


Parameter Description
name Name to lookup, can be a wildcard.
[N} If N = 0, number of matches, otherwise the Nth match. (optionally)


Property Description
.name Name of the socket.
.addr Hostname the socket is connected to.
.sent Number of bytes sent.
.rcvd Number of bytes received.
.sq Number of bytes in send queue.
.rq Number of bytes in receive queue.
.status Status of the connection: paused/active.
.ip IP Addresss the socket is connected to.
.port Port the socket is connected to.
.ls Number of seconds since the socket last sent data.
.lr Number of seconds since the socket last received data.
.mark Socket mark set by /sockmark.
.type Socket type udp/tcp.
.to Number of sockets since it was opened.
.wsmsg Return the last socket error message.
.wserr Return the last socket error.
.pause Returns $true if socket is paused, otherwise $false.
.ssl Returns $true if socket is a SSL connection, otherwise $false.
.sport Returns the source port from the last received UDP packet.
.saddr Returns the source address from the last received UDP packet.
.bindip Returns the local ip address the socket is bound to.
.bindport Returns the local port the socket is bound to.
.starttls TODO
.certfile Returns the server certificate file if the socket is a listening socket, otherwise the client certificate file. (AdiIRC only)
.upnp Returns $true if using UPNP otherwise $false.


; Print number of sockets.
//echo -ag $sock(*, 0)

; Print the first socket.
//echo -ag $sock(*, 1)

Updated by Per Amundsen about 2 years ago · 12 revisions

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