- Table of contents
- Custom Windows
Custom Windows¶
Added in 1.9.0
/window [-aAbBcCde[N]fg[N]hHij[N]k[N]l[N]mMn[N]opq[N]rRsST[N]uvw[N]xz] [-tN,..,N] [+bdeflLmnstx] <@name> [rgb|[x y [w h]]] [/command] [popup.txt] [font [size]] [iconfile [N]]
Creates or manipulates a custom window with a Topicbox/Editbox/Text area/Listbox depending on the parameters used, see Custom Windows for more information.
If -p is specified, a picture window is created which can be custom drawn using various commands/identifiers, see Picture Windows for more information.
Option Switches
Switch | Description |
-a | Set as the active window. |
-b | TODO |
-B | Prevent window from using an internal border. |
-c | Close window. |
-C | Center window. |
-d | Create desktop window instead of child. |
-e[N] | Enable Editbox; 0 = single, 1 = multi, 2 = auto, 3 = default. |
-f | Makes the w h the required width and height of the text display area. (instead of the window size) |
-g[N] | Sets/removes window button color, 0 = normal color, 1 = message color, 2 = highlight color, 3 = system color (3 is (AdiIRC only)). |
-h | Hide window. |
-H | Enables auto-hide for a side-listbox. |
-i | Dynamically associate with whatever happens to be the active connection. |
-j[N] | Sets buffer size to N lines. |
-k[N] | Hides the @ prefix in the window name, 0 = hide prefix, 1 = show prefix. |
-l[N] | Add listbox, if N is specified then a side-listbox N characters wide is created. |
-m | Enable line marker in the window. |
-M | TODO |
-n[N] | Minimize window ([N] = TODO) |
-o | Sets the windows as the top most window. (used with -d) |
-p | Creates a picture windows. |
-q[N] | If N is 0 hides the nick column, if N is 1 shows the nick column. (AdiIRC only) |
-Q[N] | If N is 0 disables "Show on Desktop", if N is 1 enables "Show on Desktop". (AdiIRC only) |
-r | Restore window. |
-R | TODO |
-s | Sort the main window, whether text or listbox. (only listbox for now) |
-S | Sort the side-listbox. |
-A | Indicates the [rgb] parameter is defined, sets the forms transparency key to [rgb]. (AdiIRC only) |
-T[N] | Enable Topicbox; 0 = Show, 1 = Show Sticky, 2 = Off, 3 = default. (AdiIRC only) |
-u | Remove ontop setting of a desktop window. |
-v | Close window when associated status window is closed. |
-w[N] | Show/hide window from Treebar or Switchbar; 0 = hide from both, 1 = show in Switchbar, 2 = show in Treebar, 3 = show in both |
-x | Maximize window |
-z[N] | if N = 1, places window button at end of Switchbar/Treebar, if N = 0, restores original place. (Default is 1) |
-Z | Reset the window icon to default. |
Tab Switches
Switch | Description |
-tN,..,N | TODO |
Appearance Switches
These causes graphical glitches for MDI windows because .net MDI does not like windows without proper borders.
Switch | Description |
+b | Border. |
+d | No border. |
+e | 3d Edge. |
+f | Dialog frame. |
+l | Tool window. |
+L | Tool window. (hide from taskbar) |
+n | Minimize box. |
+s | Sizeable. |
+t | Titlebar. |
+x | Maximize box. |
Parameter | Description |
<@name> | Window name. |
[rgb] | The $rgb value used with the -t parameter. |
x y [w h] | Left top [width height] - position and size of window. (A -1 value for any of the parameters means use default (or existing) value). |
/command | Default command. |
popup.txt | Popup filename, must be plane text file. TODO |
font [size] | Font name [font size]. |
iconfile [N] | Sets a custom Titlebar icon for the window. (N = TODO) |
alias example1 { ; Create a desktop + picture window, Coordinates: (250,250), size 300x300. /window -dep @Example 250 250 300 300 ; Color it with the control code color 3. (default is green) /drawfill @Example 3 3 1 1 100 100 ; Draw text "Hello world!". /drawtext @Example 1 Arial 30 50 100 Hello World! ; Close the window. /window -c @Example }
Added in 1.9.0
/titlebar [@window] <text>
Sets the main application Titlebar. If you specify a custom @window name, then the Titlebar for that custom window is changed.
Parameter | Description |
[@window] | Window to change the title. |
<text> | Title text to set. |
; Changes AdiIRC's titlebar to Hello world! /titlebar Hello world! ; Open a custom window. /window -e @Example ; Changes @Example Titlebar to Hello world! /titlebar @Example Hello world!
Added in 1.9.2
/renwin <@oldname> <@newname> [topic]
Allows you to change the name of an existing window to a different one, and an optional topic can be specified.
Parameter | Description |
<@oldname> | Current window name. |
<@newname> | New window name. |
[topic] | Window topic/title. |
; Open a custom window. /window -e @Example1 ; Rename @Example1 to @Example2 and add topic 'Hello world'. /renwin @Example1 @Example2 Hello World
Added in 1.9.1
/dline [-hlSW] <@name> <N[-N2]>
Deletes the Nth line through N2th line in a custom window.
Switch | Description |
-h | Highlights the window's node in the treebar if the window is not active. |
-l | Specify the action to take place on the side-listbox. |
-S | Use status window. (AdiIRC only) |
-W | Allow using a channel or query window name for @name. (AdiIRC only) |
Parameter | Description |
<@name> | Name of the custom window. |
<N[ | N2]> - The range to be deleted, (negative values are not accepted) |
alias example { ;Open a custom window. /window -de @Foo ;Add a line, line colored in yellow. (8) /aline 8 @Foo Line A ;Add a line, color Dark Green. (3) /aline 3 @Foo Line B ;Add a line, color Dark Green. (3) /aline -s 3 @Foo Line C ;Add a line, color Dark Green. (3) /aline -s 3 @Foo Line D ;Delete line 2 and 3 with range 2-3, only A D remain. /dline @Foo 2-3 }
Added in 2.2
/iline [-ahilnpsbTNSW] [color] <@name> <N> <text>
Inserts <text> into the Nth line in a custom window named <@name>.
Switch | Description |
-a | Selects the newly added item while keeping the old selection in a listbox |
-h | Highlights the window's node in the Treebar/Switchbar is the window is minimized |
-iN | Indents the wrapped line by N characters. |
-l | Specify the action to take place on the side-listbox |
-n | Prevent the line from being added if it already exists |
-p | TODO |
-s | Clears the old selection in a listbox and selects the newly added item |
-b | Indicates the [c] color is in $rgb format. (AdiIRC only) |
-TN | Apply timestamp prefix options. N is a optional UTC value to use for the timestamp. (AdiIRC only) |
-S | Use status window. (AdiIRC only) |
-W | Allow using a channel or query window name for @name. (AdiIRC only) |
Parameter | Description |
[color] | Line color number. |
<@name> | The custom window name. |
<N> | The line number to insert the text at. |
<text> | The text to add. |
; Open a custom window. /window -de @Example ; Add 3 blue colored lines. /aline 12 @Example Line1 /aline 12 @Example Line2 /aline 12 @Example Line3 ; Insert a red colored lines at line number 2 /iline 4 @Example 2 Line4
Added in 1.9.5
/rline [-ahslbTNSW] [c] <@name> <N> <text>
Replaces the Nth line in any window with a new line.
Switch | Description |
-a | Selects the newly added item while keeping the old selection in a listbox. |
-h | Highlights the window's node in the treebar is the window is not active. |
-s | Clears the old selection in a listbox and selects the newly added item. |
-l | Specify the action to take place on the side-listbox, |
-b | Indicates the [c] color is in $rgb format. (AdiIRC only) |
-TN | Apply timestamp prefix options. N is a optional UTC value to use for the timestamp. (AdiIRC only) |
-S | Use status window. (AdiIRC only) |
-W | Allow using a channel or query window name for @name. (AdiIRC only) |
Parameter | Description |
[c] | An optional color number for the line |
<@name> | Name of the window. |
<N> | The line to change. |
<text> | Text to insert. |
alias example { ; Open a custom window. /window -de @Example ; Add a line with the text 'Line A'. /aline @Example Line A ; Add a line with the text 'Line B'. /aline @Example Line B ; Add a line with the text 'Line C'. /aline @Example Line C ; Change the text of the second line to 'Line D'. /dline @Example 2 Line D }
Added in 1.9.3
/cline [-bhlmrSW] [c] <#channel|@name> <N|nick>
Changes the color of the Nth line or nick to color [c].
If [c] is not defined, the line will be reset to default color.
Switch | Description |
-b | Indicates the [c] color is in $rgb format. (AdiIRC only) |
-h | Highlights the window's button. (if window is not active) |
-l | Apply to side-listbox. |
-m | TODO |
-r | Reset an item in the side-listbox to default; [c] parameter must be omitted. |
-t | Apply to text buffer. (AdiIRC only) |
-S | Use status window. (AdiIRC only) |
-W | Allow using a channel or query window name for @name. (AdiIRC only) |
Parameter | Description |
[c] | Optional line color. |
<@name> | Custom window name. |
<N|nick> | Line number or matching side-listbox item/nick to color. |
alias example { ; Open a custom window. /window @Example ; Add a 'Hello World' line to the custom window. /aline @Example Hello World ; Change the color of the first line to red (4). /cline 4 @Example 1 ; Change the color of the first line to rgb color blue /cline -b $rgb(0,0,255) 1 }
Added in 1.9.0
/sline [-arSW] <#channel> <N|nick>
Selects or de-selects lines in a channel nickname listbox. It can select either the Nth nickname in a listbox, or a specified nickname.
Switch | Description |
-a | Appends selection to current selection. |
-r | Deselects instead of selects. |
-S | Use status window. (AdiIRC only) |
-W | Allow using a channel or query window name for @name. (AdiIRC only) |
Parameter | Description |
<#channel> | Channel where the listbox is located. |
<N|nick> | Nick or the Nth nick to select. |
Custom Window's Menus¶
Added in 1.9.0
$window(N/@name/@wildcard, M)
Returns properties for a window.
See also /window.
Parameter | Description |
N/name/ wildcard |
Name of the window or the Nth window. (@wildcard is also possible if M is defined) |
M | The Nth @wildcard match. (optional) |
If N is -1 | returns properties for the desktop area. |
If N is -2 | returns properties for the AdiIRC main window. |
If N is -3 | returns properties for the MDI client area of the main window. |
Propertie | Description |
.x | Horizontal position of the window relative to the mainform. |
.y | Vertical position of the window relative to the mainform. |
.w | Window width. |
.h | Window height. |
.cx | TODO |
.cy | TODO |
.dx | Horizontal position of the window relative to the desktop. |
.dy | Vertical position of the window relative to the desktop. |
.dw | Width of the Text Area. |
.dh | Height of the Text Area. |
.bw | Width of the bitmap for a picture window. |
.bh | Height of the bitmap for a picture window. |
.mdi | $true if the window is a MDI window/docked, otherwise $false |
.title | The text of the window Titlebar. |
.state | minimized/maximized/hidden/normal. |
.font | Name of the current font. |
.fontsize | Size of the current font using the current display DPI. |
.fontdialogsize | The real size of the current font. |
.fontbold | $true if the font is bold, otherwise $false. |
.fontitalic | $true if the font is italic, otherwise $false. |
.fontunderline | $true if the font is underline, otherwise $false. |
.fontcs | returns the character set of the current font. |
.logfile | Name of logfile if one is open for the window. |
.historyfile | Name of the file Editbox history will be saved to. (AdiIRC only) |
.iconfile | Name of the icon file used for a custom icon. (AdiIRC only) |
.backgroundfile | Name of the background file used for a custom background. (AdiIRC only) |
.backgroundlayout | Gets background layout for this window. (AdiIRC only) |
.stamp | $true if timestamp is on for this window, otherwise $false. |
.icon | $true if icon is visible in Switchbar otherwise $false. |
.ontop | $true if window is on top otherwise $false. |
.type | Window type, channel/status/query/custom/picture/chat/tool/panel. |
.anysc | $true if the window was created with the /window -i parameter, otherwise $false. |
.wid | Window id. |
.cid | Connection id. |
.hwnd | Window handle. |
.sbtext | Switchbar button text for this window. |
.sbcolor | Switchbar color event event/message/highlight for this window. |
.sbstate | Switchbar button state (1 = visible, 0 = not visible) for this window. |
.tbtext | Treebar text for this window. |
.tbstate | Treebar state (1 = visible, 0 = not visible) for this window. |
.lb | listbox state (2 = side listbox, 1 = listbox, 0 = no listbox) for this window. |
.topicbox | Topicbox state (2 = Show sticky, 1 = show, 2 = off) for this window. (AdiIRC only) |
.idle | idle state. |
.isbottom | $true if the Text Area is scrolled to the bottom, otherwise $false. (AdiIRC only) |
.unread | Returns number of unread messages. (this include system messages, use .sbcolor to check the type, AdiIRC only) |
.layer | Returns the window layer. (AdiIRC only) |
.mscrollpos | Returns the current scrollbar position for the Text Area. (AdiIRC only) |
.mscrollmax | Returns the max scrollbar position for the Text Area. (AdiIRC only) |
.collapsed | Returns $true if the associated Status Window is collapsed in the Treebar, otherwise $false. (AdiIRC only) |
.eb | Returns 1 if the window has a Editbox, otherwise 0. (AdiIRC only) |
.fullscreen | Returns $true if the window is fullscreen, otherwise $false. |
Added in 1.9.0
$line(@window|#channel|nick|Status Window,N,[T])
Returns the Nth line of text in the specified window.
Works on any window.
Parameter | Description |
@window|#channel|nick|Status Window | The window to retrieve text from. |
N | If N = 0 number of lines, otherwise the Nth line. |
[T] | If T = 0 use display area (default) if T = 1, use side-listbox. (optional) |
Property | Description |
.state | Returns 1 if the line is selected in a side-listbox, otherwise 0. |
.color | Returns the line or nick color. |
.rgbcolor | For side-listbox returns the line color in $rgb format, otherwise returns the rgb line color if any (AdiIRC only) |
.nickcolumn | Gets the line with the nickcolumn character intact. (AdiIRC Only) |
; Create a custom window. /window @Example ; Add a few lines to the window. /aline @Example Test1 /aline @Example Test2 /aline @Example Test3 ; Print number of lines in the window. //echo -ag $line(@Example, 0) ; Print the second line in the window. //echo -ag $line(@Example, 2)
Added in 1.9.0
Returns Nth position of line which matches the specified wildcard text.
See also $flinen.
Parameter | Description |
@name | The custom window name to search. |
wildtext | Wildcard text to search for. |
[N] | If N = 0 returns number of matches, otherwise the Nth match. (Optional, default is 1) |
[T] | If T = 0 reference the display area (default), If T is 1, it references the listbox, 2 implies that wildtext is a regular expression, and 3 for both. (Optional) |
[S] | Start the search at the Sth line. |
Property | Description |
.text | Returns the matched text. |
; Open a custom window. /window @Example ; Add some lines /aline @Example Test1 /aline @Example Test2 /aline @Example Test3 ; Search the display area for the wildtext 'Text*' and print number of results. //echo -ag $fline(@Example, Test*, 0) ; Search the display area for the wildtext 'Text*' and print the second result. //echo -ag $fline(@Example, Test*, 2)
Added in 1.9.0
Returns the Nth selected line in a listbox.
Parameter | Description |
@name | The window name. |
N | If N = 0, returns the total number of selected lines in the window, otherwise the Nth line. |
Property | Description |
.ln | Returns the line number of Nth selected line. |
; Create a custom window with a listbox. /window -l @example ; Add some items to the listbox. /aline @example Test1 /aline @example Test2 /aline @example Test2 ; Select the second line in the listbox. /sline @example 2 ; Print the number og selected lines in the listbox. //echo -ag $sline(@example, 0) ; Print the value of the first selected line in the listbox. //echo -ag $sline(@example, 1) ; Print the line number of the first selected line in the listbox. //echo -ag $sline(@example, 1).ln
Updated by Mr. BS about 8 years ago · 1 revisions