




The Switchbar shows all open windows and allows switching the active window.

See also /switchbar, $switchbar, Switchbar Options.

Hiding the Switchbar

The Switchbar can be hidden by clicking Menubar -> View -> Switchbar or by typing /switchbar off or by changing Options -> Windows -> Enable Switchbar or by right-clicking the Switchbar and then clicking Hide Switchbar.

Switchbar position

The Switchbar can be moved to the top/bottom/left/right of the main window by right-clicking the Switchbar then clicking Position.

Locking bars

Menubar/Toolbar/Switchbar/Treebar can be locked so they can't be moved by right-clicking any bar and then click Lock Bars.

Locking bars also removes the header from the Monitor Panels.

Window Menu

Right-clicking a window in the Switchbar shows the window menu.

Pressing the SHIFT while right-clicking shows the scripted window menu instead.

Window Order

The order which windows appear in the Switchbar can be changed in Options -> Windows -> Window order.

Closing Windows

Windows can be closed by using the middle mouse button when clicking a window or by pressing SHIFT when left-clicking a window.

This can be disabled in Options -> Windows.

Windows can also be closed by right-clicking the window and select Close.

Flashing Windows

By default the text color and icon in the Switchbar will flash/blink when you are being highlighted, this can be changed in Options -> Highlights.

Window colors

Tab text colors can be set in Options -> Colors.

Normal color - The text color for the active window.
Inactive color - The text color for any inactive window.
Highlights color - The text color for any window which has a highlighted message.
Message color - The text color for any window which has a new message.
System color - The text color for any window which has a new system message.

Note: The color can be reset to default by using the /amark command or by right-clicking a empty area or a separator then clicking Mark As Read or Mark Server As Read.

Background Color

The Switchbar background color can be set in Options -> Colors.

Note: Override Windows theme colors must be enabled.

Window Icons

The window icons can be changed in Options -> Icons.

Hiding the window icons from the Switchbar can be done in the Switchbar Options.


The font can be changed in Options -> Fonts & Sizes or by using the /font command.

Background image

A background image for the Switchbar can be set in Options -> Backgrounds or by using the /background command.

Button Background Image

A background image for the buttons can be set in Options -> Backgrounds or by using the /background command.

Updated by Per Amundsen almost 4 years ago · 7 revisions

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