



INI Files


Added in 1.9.0

/writeini [-nz] <inifile> <section> <item> <value>


Switch Description
-n Forces AdiIRC to write to an INI file, even if it's bigger then 64k (obsolete)
-z Allow writing empty <value>.


Parameter Description
<inifile> The file to write to.
<section> The section to write.
<item> The item to write.
<value> The value to write.


;Write a few items to a file.
/writeini abb.ini abbreviations lol Laughing Out Loud
/writeini abb.ini abbreviations rofl Rolling On the Floor, Laughing

;Print a line from abb.ini.
//echo -a $readini(abb.ini, n, abbreviations, lol)


Added in 2.4


Updates all AdiIRC-related INI files with the current settings.

Saves everything which is normally only saved when closing AdiIRC, vars.ini, main window size/position, Monitor Panels positions, Titlebar text etc.


Added in 1.9.0

/remini <inifile> <section> [item]

Deletes whole sections or single items in an INI file.


Parameter Description
<inifile> Ini file where the section is located.
<section> Section in the ini file to remove.
[item] Item in the section to remove.


;Remove the entire section TEST in file.ini.
/remini file.ini TEST

;Remove only the testitem element from the TEST section in file.ini.
/remini file.ini TEST testitem


Added in 1.9.6

/flushini <filename>

Does nothing since ini files are written directly in AdiIRC.


Parameter Description
<filename> The filename to flush. (Ignored)


Added in 1.9.0


Returns the name/Nth position of the specified topic/item in an INI/text file.

See also $readini.
Same as $initopic.


Parameter Description
file File to read from.
topic|N Topic or the Nth topic, if N = 0 number of topics, otherwise the Nth topic.
[item|N] Item or the Nth item, if N = 0 number of item, otherwise the Nth item. (optional)


; Print number of topics in '$adiircini'.
//echo -ag $ini($adiircini,0)

; Print the name of the first topic in '$adiircini.
//echo -ag $ini($adiircini,1)

; Check if the topic 'Messages' exists.
//echo -ag $ini($adiirc,Messages)


Added in 1.9.0

$readini(filename, [np], section, item)

Returns a single line of text from an INI file.

See also $ini.


Parameter Description
filename INI file to read from.
[np] (optional)
[n] Don't evaluate any identifiers.
[p] command | separators are treated as such instead of as plain text.
section The INI section to read from.
item The INI item to read.


; Read $adiircini and retrieve the section 'Messages' and the item 'Timestamp'.
//echo -ag $readini($adiircini, Messages, Timestamp)


Added in 1.9.9


Returns the name/Nth position of the specified topic/item in an INI/text file.

See also $readini.
Same as $ini.


Parameter Description
file File to read from.
topic|N Topic or the Nth topic, if N = 0 number of topics, otherwise the Nth topic.
[item|N] Item or the Nth item, if N = 0 number of item, otherwise the Nth item. (optional)


; Print number of topics in '$adiircini'.
//echo -ag $initopic($adiircini,0)

; Print the name of the first topic in '$adiircini.
//echo -ag $initopic($adiircini,1)

; Check if the topic 'Messages' exists.
//echo -ag $initopic($adiirc,Messages)

Updated by Per Amundsen about 8 years ago · 1 revisions

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