



Hash Tables


Added in 1.9.0

/hmake [-s] <name> <N>

Creates a new hash table with N slots.

See also /hsave, /hload, /hfree, /hadd, /hdel, $hget, $hfind.


Switch Description
-s Displays a creation result.


Parameter Description
<name> The hashtable name to create.
<N> The initial number of hashtable items.


; call the setup once
; /example
; //echo -a $abbr(lol)
alias example {
  ;Create the table.
  /hmake abbr 1000

  ;Populate the table.
  /hadd abbr lol laughing out load
  /hadd abbr omg oh my gosh
  /hadd abbr lmao laughing my a?? off
  /hadd abbr brb be right back
; get the abbreviation
alias abbr return $hget(abbr, $1)


Added in 1.9.0

/hfree [-sw] <name>

Deletes a hash table.

See also /hsave, /hsave, /hmake, /hadd, /hdel, $hget, $hfind.


Switch Description
-s Displays the result.
-w Indicates name is a wildcard.


Parameter Description
<name> The hashtable to delete.


alias example {
  ;Create the hash table 'hash'.
  /hmake hash

  ;Print the hashtable size.
  echo -a $hget(hash) : $hget(hash).size

  ;Creates the hash table 'h' with 10 items.
  /hmake h 10

  ;Creates the hash table 'has' with 20 items.
  /hmake has 20

  ;Delete hash table 'hash'.
  /hfree -s hash

  ;Print the hashtable size.
  /echo -a $hget(h) : $hget(h).size - $hget(has) : $hget(has).size

  ;Deletes any hash tables matching h*
  /hfree -sw h*


Added in 1.9.0

/hadd [-bcmsuNz] <name> <item> [text | &binvar]

Adds an item to an existing hash table.

See also /hsave, /hload, /hmake, /hfree, /hdel, $hget, $hfind.


Switch Description
-b Indicates &binvar is set.
-c Chop the &binvar to first null byte.
-m Creates the table if it does not exist.
-s Displays the result.
-uN Unset the item after N seconds.
-z Decreases the item once per second until it reaches zero and then unsets it.


Parameter Description
<name> The hash table to add to.
<item> The hash table item to add to.
[text | &binvar] The text or &binvar value to add.


; call the setup once
; /abbr_setup
; //echo -a $abbr(lol)
alias abbr_setup {
  ;Populate the table, create it if it does not exist.
  hadd -m abbr lol laughing out load
  hadd abbr omg oh my gosh
  hadd abbr lmao laughing my a?? off
  hadd abbr brb be right back

;Get the abbreviation.
alias abbr return $hget(abbr, $1)


Added in 1.9.0

/hdel [-sw] <name> <item>

Deletes an item from a hash table.

See also /hsave, /hload, /hmake, /hfree, $hget, $hfind.


Switch Description
-s Displays the result.
-w Indicates item is a wildcard.


Parameter Description
<name> The hashtable to delete from.
<item> The hashtable item to delete.


alias example {
  ; Create a hash table
  /hadd -m example academic a

   ; Add some items to the hash table..
  /hadd example academy a
  /hadd example accelerate a
  /hadd example accelerator a
  /hadd example accept a
  /hadd example access a
  /hadd example accident a
  /hadd example because b

  ; Print number of items.
  //echo -a $hget(example, 0).item

  ; Remove everything matching wildcard 'a*'.
  /hdel -w example a*

  ; Print number of items.
  //echo -a $hget(example, 0).item

  ; Free table.
  /hfree example


Added in 1.9.0

/hload [-bBins] <name> <filename> [section]

Loads a table from a file.

See also /hsave, /hmake, /hfree, /hadd, /hdel, $hget, $hfind.


Switch Description
-b Loads binary files. $cr and $lf are preserved when saving as binary files. Ignored if -i switch used.
-B Uses a larger index than -b to allow longer binary data to be saved. This is not compatible with files created by the -b switch.
-i Treats the file as an ini file. You can specify an optional section name after the filename.
-n Load file as data only, with no items. When loading with -n each line of data is assigned an N item value, starting at N = 1.
-m Creates the table if it does not exist. (AdiIRC only)
-s Displays the result.


Parameter Description
<name> The hashtable to load into.
<filename> The filename of the saved hashtable to load.
[section] Hashtable file section to load.


Added in 1.9.0

/hsave [-abBinsu] <name> <filename> [section]

Saves a hash table to a file.

See also /hload, /hmake, /hfree, /hadd, /hdel, $hget, $hfind.


Switch Description
-s Displays the result.
-b Saves binary files. $cr and $lf are preserved when saving as binary files. Ignored if -i switch used.
-B Uses a larger index than -b to allow longer binary data to be saved. This is not compatible with files created by the -b switch.
-i Treats the file as an ini file. You can specify an optional section name after the filename.
-n Load file as data only, with no items. When loading with -n each line of data is assigned an N item value, starting at N = 1.
-a Appends to an existing file instead of overwriting it.
-u Includes unset items.


Parameter Description
<name> The hash table to save.
<filename> The filename to save to.
[section] Section of ini tile to save to. (used witth -i)


Added in 1.9.0

/hdec [-bcmsuNzB] <name> <item> [num | &binvar]

Decreases the value of the item by 'num'.


Switch Description
-b Indicates &binvar is set.
-c Chop the &binvar to first null byte.
-m Creates the table if it does not exist.
-s Displays the result.
-uN Unset the the item after N seconds.
-z Decreases the item once per second until it reaches zero and then unsets it.
-B Performs a $calcint calculation instead of regular $calc when arithmetic operators are used. (AdiIRC only)


Parameter Description
<name> The hashtable where the item resides.
<item> The hashtable item to decrease.
[num | &binvar] The number or &binvar to decrease by.


alias countdown {
  ;Adds the item down with a value of 10 to the table count.
  hadd -m count down 10

  echo -a $hget(count,down) $+ !

  ;Checks if the value of down returns true.
  if ($hget(count,down) > 1) {
    ;decreases down by 1
    hdec count down
    ;echos the current count
    echo -a $hget(count,down) $+ !
    goto repeat
  ;If the previous if statement returns false it carries on with this.
  else echo -a 0, Hurray!
  hfree -s count


Added in 1.9.0

/hinc [-bcmsuNzB] <name> <item> [num | &binvar]

Increases the value of the item by 'num'.


Switch Description
-b Indicates &binvar is set.
-c Chop the &binvar to first null byte.
-m Creates the table if it does not exist.
-s Displays the result.
-uN Unsets the item after N seconds.
-z Decreases the item once per second until it reaches zero and then unsets it.
-B Performs a $calcint calculation instead of regular $calc when arithmetic operators are used. (AdiIRC only)


Parameter Description
<name> The hashtable where the <item> is stored.
<item> The hashtable item to increase.
[num | &binvar] The number or &binvar to increase by.


alias example {
  ;Create a hashtable.
  /hmake -s example

  ;Add a few items.
  /hadd example item1 4
  /hadd example item2 7
  /hadd example item3 9

  ;Print the items.
  /echo -a item1 = $hget(example, item1)
  /echo -a item2 = $hget(example, item2)
  /echo -a item3 = $hget(example, item3)

  ;Increase the values.
  /hinc example item1 5
  /hinc example item2 12
  /hinc example item3 1

  /echo -e -

  ;Print the items.
  /echo -a item1 = $hget(example, item1)
  /echo -a item2 = $hget(example, item2)
  /echo -a item3 = $hget(example, item3)

  /hfree -s example


Added in 1.9.4

$hash(text, B)

Returns a hash number based on text where B is the number of bits to use when calculating the hash number.

Added in 1.9.0

table(ktable). |*Parameter*|*Description*|

Returns name of a hash table if it exists, or returns the name of the Nth hash table.

See also /hsave, /hload, /hmake, /hfree, /hdel, $hfind.


Parameter Description
name|N Name of the hashtable or If N = 0, number of hashtables, otherwise the Nth hashtable name.


Property Description
.size Returns the size of the hashtable as specified in /hmake.


; Create a hashtable.
/hmake Example

; Print number of hashtables.
//echo -ag $hget(0)

; Print name and size of the first hashtable.
//echo -ag $hget(1) - $hget(1).size

$hget(name|N, item|N, [&binvar])

Returns the data associated with an item in the specified hash table.


Parameter Description
name|N Name of the hashtable or the Nth hashtable name.
item|N Name of the item or if N = 0 number of items, otherwise the Nth item.
[&binvar] Assigns the contents of the item to a &binvar. (optional)


Property Description
.data Returns the item value.
.item Returns the item name.
.unset Returns number of seconds before the item is automatically removed (if set).
.hash TODO
.state TODO


; Create a hashtable
/hmake Example

; Add a item to the hashtable
/hadd Example ExampleItem ExampleValue

; Print number of items in the hastable.
//echo -ag $hget(Example, 0)

; Print information about the first item in the hashtable.
//echo -ag Name is $hget(Example, 1).item Value is $hget(Example, 1).data Unset at $hget(Example, 1).unset

table(ktable). |*Parameter*|*Description*| | text | Text to hash. | | B | Number of bits to use. (min 2, max 32) |


Added in 1.9.0


Searches table for the Nth item name which matches text and returns the item name.

See also /hsave, /hload, /hmake, /hfree, /hdel, $hget.

See also $hmatch, $hregex.


Parameter Description
name|N Name of the hash table or the Nth hash table.
text Text to search for.
[N] If N = 0, number of matches, otherwise the Nth match. (optional)
[options] Options.
[@window|command] if @window is defined, fills the side-listbox with the results, otherwise the command is run on each result.


Option Description
n Normal text comparison. (default if M is not specified)
w Text is wildcard text.
W Hash table item/data is wildcard text.
r Text is a regular expression.
R Hash table item/data is a regular expression.
N Use case-sensitive match. (AdiIRC only)
H /halt will halt the running script if used inside the [command]. (AdiIRC only)


Property Description
.data Search for a matching data value instead of item name.


; Searches hash table 'Example' for all items using and runs the command 'echo -ag $1-' on each result, $1- holds the item name or data.
//echo -ag result: $hfind(Example, *, 0, w, echo -ag $1-)

; Searches the hash table 'Example' and prints the number of matches.
//echo -ag result: $hfind(Example, *, 0, w)

; Searches the hash table 'Example' and prints the first matched item.
//echo -ag result: $hfind(Example, *, 1, w)

; Searches the hash table 'Example' and prints the first matched data.
//echo -ag result: $hfind(Example, *, 1, w).data


Added in 2.0


Searches table for the Nth item name which matches text using a wildcard pattern and returns the item name.

See also /hsave, /hload, /hmake, /hfree, /hdel, $hget.

See also $hfind, $hregex.


Parameter Description
name|N Name of the hash table or the Nth hash table.
text Text to search for.
[N] If N = 0, number of matches, otherwise the Nth match. (optional)


Property Description
.data Search for a matching data value instead of item name.


; Searches the hash table 'Example' and prints the number of matches.
//echo -ag result: $hmatch(Example, *, 0)

; Searches the hash table 'Example' and prints the first matched item.
//echo -ag result: $hmatch(Example, *, 1)

; Searches the hash table 'Example' and prints the first matched data.
//echo -ag result: $hmatch(Example, *, 1).data

Updated by Per Amundsen about 8 years ago · 2 revisions

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