


$calias » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Per Amundsen, 01/29/2017 11:11 PM) → Revision 4/9 (Per Amundsen, 07/23/2017 09:57 PM)

_Added in 2.4_ 


 Returns the calling alias for the current script, 

 alias test1 { 
   echo -ag Calling alias is $calias 
   noop $test2 

 alias test2 { 
   echo -ag Calling alias is still $calias 
   noop $test3 

 alias test3 { 
   echo -ag Calling alias is still $calias 


 _Added in 2.7_ 


 Returns the Nth alias in the scripting stack. 


 N - The Nth alias. 


 .alias - Returns the name of the alias. 
 .fname - Returns the filename of the script calling containing the alias. 
 .line - Returns the line in the script calling containing the alias. 
 .isid - Returns [[$true]] if the alias was called as a identifier, otherwise [[$false]]. 


 alias alias1 { 

 alias alias2 { 
   noop $alias3 

 alias alias3 { 
   var %s 0 
   while (%s < $calias(0)) { 
     inc %s 
     echo -ag alias = $calias(%s).alias 
     echo -ag filename = $calias(%s).fname 
     echo -ag line = $calias(%s).line 
     echo -ag isid = $calias(%s).isid 