$chan » History » Revision 18
Revision 17 (Per Amundsen, 04/06/2016 01:54 PM) → Revision 18/26 (Per Amundsen, 06/12/2016 05:22 AM)
_Added in 1.5_ *$chan* Returns the name of the channel for a specific [[Scripting_Events|event]]. For all non-channel events [[$chan]] will be [[$null]]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *$chan(N|#|@<wid>)* Returns information about channel # or Nth channel. _Same as [[$channel]]._ *Parameters* N - The Nth channel. <notextile>#</notextile> - The channel name. @<wid> - Channel matching a [[$wid|window id]]. *Properties* .topic - Returns the channel topic. .mode - Returns the channel modes. .rawmode - Returns all channel modes and parameters. (AdiIRC only) .key - Returns the channel key. .limit - Returns the channel user limit. .logfile - Returns the channel log filename. (if any) .stamp - Returns [[$true]] if timestamps is enabled for this channel, otherwise [[$false]]. .status - Returns the channel status, Parted/Joined/Kicked/Joining. .inwho - TODO .wid - Returns the associated window id. .cid - Returns the associated assoicated connection id. .hwnd - Returns associated window handle. .inwho .banlist - Returns [[$true]] if you sent a /who #channel to the server to fill the IAL with addresses from that channel, and the /who is still in progress, otherwise [[$false]]. TODO .banlist .ial - Returns [[$true]] if the channel ban list is synced for this channel, otherwise [[$false]]. TODO .ibl - Returns [[$true]] if the channel ban list is synced for this channel, otherwise [[$false]]. TODO .iel - Returns [[$true]] if the channel exception list is synced for this channel, otherwise [[$false]]. TODO .iil - Returns [[$true]] if the channel invite list is synced for this channel, otherwise [[$false]]. .ial - TODO (always returns [[$true]]) .idle - Returns the amount of time the channel has been idle. This does not include entries made from the local AdiIRC client. .lastnick - Returns the last nick who spoke on the channel, returns [[$null] if last message didn't have a nick. (AdiIRC only)