


$dialog » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (Per Amundsen, 02/18/2017 08:50 AM) → Revision 9/12 (Per Amundsen, 07/04/2017 11:44 PM)

_Added in 1.9.0_ 


 Creates a modal dialog. 

 _See also [[/dialog]], [[on DIALOG]], [[Dialog Items]]._ 


 name - Name of the dialog to create. 
 table - Name of the dialog table to use. 
 [parent] - Name of the parent window to associate the dialog with or -1 = Desktop window, -2 = Main AdiIRC window, -3 = Currently active window, -4 = Currently active dialog. with. (optional) 


 : Create a dialog table. 
 Dialog Example1 { 
   title "This is Example 1" 
   size -1 -1 172 129 
   option dbu 
   tab "Tab A", 14, 2 0 165 123 
   tab "Tab B", 15 
   tab "Tab C", 16 
   edit "", 17, 8 16 154 104, tab 16 multi return autohs vsbar 
   menu "&File", 1 
   item "&New", 6, 1 
   item "&Open", 7, 1 
   item break, 8, 1 
   item "&Save", 9, 1 
   item "Save &as", 10, 1 
   menu "&Edit", 2 
   item "&Copy", 11, 2 
   item "P&aste", 12, 2 
   menu "&view", 3 
   item "&All", 13, 3 
   menu "&Help", 4 
   item "&About", 5, 4 

 ; Create and open the dialog using the 'Example' table. 
 //noop $dialog(Example, Example) 



 Returns information about a dialog. 


 name|N - Name of the dialog or if N = 0, number of dialogs, otherwise the Nth dialog. 


 .result - Returns ID of the 'result' button if specified. 
 .x - Returns the X position of the dialog. 
 .y - Returns the Y position of the dialog. 
 .w - Returns the width of the dialog. 
 .h - Returns the height of the dialog. 
 .cw - Returns the width of the dialog client area. 
 .ch - Returns the height of the dialog client area. 
 .title - Returns the dialog title. 
 .modal - Returns [[$true]] if the dialog is modal, otherwise [[$false]]. 
 .state - Returns minimized/maximized/hidden/normal. (AdiIRC only) 
 .table - Returns the name of the dialog table. 
 .ok - Returns ID of the 'ok' button if specified. 
 .cancel - Returns ID of the 'cancel' button if specified. 
 .focus - Returns ID of the control that currently has focus. 
 .active - Returns [[$true]] if the dialog is active, otherwise [[$false]]. 
 .tab - Returns id of tab that is currently displayed. 
 .hwnd - Returns the window handle. 
 .icon - Returns the filename of the icon file. (AdiIRC only) 


 ; Print number of dialogs. 
 //echo -ag $dialog(0) 

 ; Print name of the first dialog. 
 //echo -ag $dialog(1) 