$exec » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Per Amundsen, 08/01/2017 12:03 AM) → Revision 3/4 (Per Amundsen, 08/01/2017 12:22 AM)
_Added in 2.9_ *$exec(filename, [nh], [arguments])* Executes a program and returns the output, if any. _This identifier will block the AdiIRC user interface GUI until the executed program is closed/finished._ closed._ *Parameters* filename - Filename of the program to execute. [nh] - n = minimize the window, h = hide the window. [arguments] - Arguments to pass to the program. *Example* <pre> ; Print all files and folders in the config folder: alias testexec { ; Put the entire output into a variable. var %output = $exec(cmd.exe, h, /c dir $qt($adiircdir)) var %s 0 ; Loop the variable based on the $lf (newline) character. while (%s < $gettok(%output, 0, 10)) { inc %s ; print the Nth line. echo -ag $gettok(%output, %s, 10) } } </pre>