


$hfind » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Per Amundsen, 11/22/2015 02:48 PM) → Revision 8/21 (Per Amundsen, 05/24/2018 10:10 AM)

_Added in 1.9.0_ 


 Searches table for the Nth item name which matches text and returns the item name. 

 _See also [[$hmatch]]._ 


 name|N - Name of the hash table or the Nth hash table. 
 text - Text to search for. 
 [N] - If N = 0, number of matches, otherwise the Nth match. (optional) 
 [M] - (optional) 
  n - Normal text comparison. (default if M is not specified) 
  w - Text is [[Scripting_Wildcards|wildcard]] wildcard text. 
  W - Hash table item/data is [[Scripting_Wildcards|wildcard]] wildcard text. 
  r - Text is a egular expression. 
  R - Hash table item/data is a regular expression. 

 [@window|command] - if @window is defined, fills the side-listbox with the results, otherwise the command is run on each result. 


 .data - Search for a matching data value instead of item name. 


 ; Searches hash table 'Example' for all items using and runs the command 'echo -ag $1-' on each result, $1- holds the item name or data. 
 //echo -ag result: $hfind(Example, *, 0, w, echo -ag $1-) 

 ; Searches the hash table 'Example' and prints the number of matches. 
 //echo -ag result: $hfind(Example, *, 0, w) 

 ; Searches the hash table 'Example' and prints the first matched item. 
 //echo -ag result: $hfind(Example, *, 1, w) 

 ; Searches the hash table 'Example' and prints the first matched data. 
 //echo -ag result: $hfind(Example, *, 1, w).data 