


$highlight » History » Revision 17

Revision 16 (Per Amundsen, 02/10/2020 03:40 PM) → Revision 17/18 (Per Amundsen, 07/24/2020 02:49 PM)

_Added in 1.8.10_ 


 Returns [[$true]] if highlighting is turned on, otherwise returns [[$false]]. 


 _Added in 1.9.3_ 


 Returns the Nth line in the [[highlights options]], or if text is specified, returns the properties for the highlight line that matches text. 


 N - The Nth highlight from the [[highlights options]], if N = 0, total number of highlight items is returned. 
 text - A text to match with a highlight. 


 .text - Highlight match text.  
 .color - Line color. 
 .rgbcolor - The [[$rgb|rgb]] color if set. *(AdiIRC only)* 
 .sound - "beep" or file name.  
 .flash - Flash times or 0 if flash is disabled. 
 .tip - Tip times or 0 if tip is disabled. 
 .message - Tip message. 
 .nicks - [[$true]] if match on nickname is enabled, otherwise [[$false]]. 
 .regex - [[$true]] if regex is enabled, otherwise [[$false]]. 
 .cs - [[$true]] case sensitive is enabled, otherwise [[$false]]. 
 .network - The network name to match, if any. *(AdiIRC only)* 
 .channel - The channel name to match, if any. *(AdiIRC only)* 
 .chans - The channel name to match, if any. 
 .rnick - The remote nick name to match, if any. *(AdiIRC only)* 
 .fontbold - Returns [[$true]] if Bold is checked, otherwise [[$false]]. *(AdiIRC only)* 
 .fontitalic - Returns [[$true]] if Italic is checked, otherwise [[$false]]. *(AdiIRC only)* 
 .fontunderline - Returns [[$true]] if Underline is checked, otherwise [[$false]]. *(AdiIRC only)* 
 .backcolor - The background color if set. *(AdiIRC only)* 
 .rgbbackcolor - The [[$rgb|rgb]] background color if set. *(AdiIRC only)* 


 ; Check if 'Word' is in the highlight list 
 //echo -ag Word is $iif($highlight(Word), a, not a )) in the highlight list 