


$prefixuser » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Per Amundsen, 08/24/2015 01:14 AM) → Revision 5/11 (Per Amundsen, 08/24/2015 01:14 AM)

_Added in 1.9.7_ 


 Returns the user message prefix format from [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Options_Messages|Messages]]. 


 ; Replace $pnick in $prefixuser with Bob instead of $nick. 
 on *:TEXT:*:#:echo # $replace($prefixuser, $ $+ pnick, Bob) $1- 


 *$prefixuser(channel, nick, [prefix])* 

 Replaces and formats variables from [[Options_Dialog|Options]] [Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Options_Messages|Messages]]. 


 channel - Channel where the nick is. 
 nick - The nick to lookup. 
 [prefix] - A custom channelnick prefix. (optional) 


 ; Format your own nick on current channel. 
 //echo -ag $prefixuser(#, $me) 