


$servervars » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Per Amundsen, 02/01/2020 06:39 AM) → Revision 6/11 (Per Amundsen, 02/02/2020 12:44 AM)

_Added in 2.9_ 


 Returns the Nth server variable discovered during raw 004 and 005 events. 

 _Raw 004 are added as usermodes, channelmodes, channelmodeargs._ 


 N - If N = 0. number of variables, otherwise the Nth variable. 
 key - Returns the value from a key=value variable. 


 .value - Returns the value for the variable if it was discovered as key=value. 
 .key - Returns the key/name of the variable. 


 ; Check for channel types 
 //echo -ag $iif($servervars(CHANTYPES),channel types for this server is $servervars(CHANTYPES),channel types was not found) 