


$wildtok » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Per Amundsen, 08/10/2015 06:23 AM) → Revision 2/4 (Per Amundsen, 08/10/2015 06:24 AM)

_Added in 1.9.0_ 


 Returns the Nth token that matches the wildcard string. 

 _[[$wildtok]] is case-insensitive, see [[$wildtokcs]] for case-sensitive version._ 


 text - The text to tokenize. 
 wildstring - String to search. 
 N - If N = 0, return number of matching tokens, otherwise the Nth token. 
 C - The "ASCII": value to tokenize by. 


 ; Prints the number of matches from the wildstring 't*'. 
 //echo -ag $wildtok(one two three, t*, 0, 32) 

 ; Prints the first match from matchefrom the wildstring 't*e'. 
 //echo -ag $wildtok(one two three, t*e, 1, 32) 