Autojoin channels » History » Version 2
Per Amundsen, 03/26/2021 06:32 PM
1 | 1 | Per Amundsen | h1. Auto join channels |
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3 | There are several ways to auto join channels. |
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5 | h2. Favorites |
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7 | 2 | Per Amundsen | For globally joining auto joining channels regardless of how you are connected to the server, click [[Menubar_Control|Menubar]] -> [[Favorites_Dialog|Favorites]] -> Add to favorite and mark the *Join on connect* checkbox. |
8 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
9 | 2 | Per Amundsen | _Make sure *Enable join on connect* is checked in [[Menubar_Control|Menubar]] -> [[Favorites_Dialog|Favorites]] -> Organized Favorites._ |
10 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
11 | h2. Serverlist |
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13 | When connected to a server from the [[Serverlist_Dialog|Serverlist]], you can add auto joining channels in the [[Serverlist_Channels|Channels]] or right-click the channel in the [[Treebar_Control|Treebar]]/[[Switchbar_Control|Switchbar]] then clicking *Add Channel* or by using the [[/channels]] command. |
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15 | h2. Quick Connect |
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17 | When connected through Quick Connect, auto joining channels can be added in [[Options Dialog|Options]] -> [[Quick_Connect_Options|Quick Connect]] or in the [[Quickconnect_Dialog|Quick Connect dialog]]. |
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19 | h2. /server command |
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21 | When connected through the [[/server]] command, channels from the [[Quick_Connect_Options|Quick Connect options]] are used. |