Away Options » History » Version 4
Per Amundsen, 04/29/2018 12:54 AM
1 | 1 | Per Amundsen | {{>toc}} |
2 | |||
3 | h1. Away Options |
4 | |||
5 | Options for the built-in away system. |
6 | |||
7 | 3 | Per Amundsen | _See also [[/away]], [[/back]]._ |
8 | |||
9 | 1 | Per Amundsen | h2. Enable Away |
10 | |||
11 | Enables or disabled the built-in away system. |
12 | |||
13 | h2. Automatically set back when typing |
14 | |||
15 | 4 | Per Amundsen | Will mark you as back whenever you type text in a [[Editbox Control|Editbox]] and press the Enter key. |
16 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
17 | 2 | Per Amundsen | _All [[Scripting Commands|/commands]] except [[/me]] [[/msg]] [[/say]] will not mark you as back._ |
18 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
19 | h2. Automatically set away after [X] minutes idle |
20 | |||
21 | Will mark you as away if you haven't sent a message to the server in [X] minutes. |
22 | |||
23 | h2. Settings for [network] |
24 | |||
25 | "Other Networks" settings will apply to all networks except networks without the "Use global settings" checkbox enabled. |
26 | |||
27 | h2. Use global settings |
28 | |||
29 | If checked, the network will use global away settings, otherwise it will use custom settings. |
30 | |||
31 | h2. Change nick to [X] |
32 | |||
33 | Changes your nick to [X] when you are marked as away. |
34 | |||
35 | h2. Notify you are away in channels |
36 | |||
37 | Sends your away message to channels when you go away. |
38 | |||
39 | h2. Notify you are away in private messages |
40 | |||
41 | Sends your away message to nicks who message you while you are away. |
42 | |||
43 | h2. Notify you are away in highlighted messages |
44 | |||
45 | Sends your away message to nicks who highlights you while you are away. |
46 | |||
47 | h2. Away message |
48 | |||
49 | Away message. |
50 | |||
51 | _Away message will be evaluated and can contain [[Scripting_Identifiers|identifiers]]._ |
52 | |||
53 | h2. Run commands on /away |
54 | |||
55 | List of [[Scripting_Commands|/commands]] to run when you are marked as away. |
56 | |||
57 | _Commands will be evaluated and can contain [[Scripting_Identifiers|identifiers]]._ |
58 | |||
59 | h2. Disable away in channels/users |
60 | |||
61 | All "Notify you are away" messages will not be sent to channels or users in this list. |
62 | |||
63 | h2. Notify you are back in channels |
64 | |||
65 | Sends your back message to channels when you come back. |
66 | |||
67 | h2. Run commands on /back |
68 | |||
69 | List of [[Scripting_Commands|/commands]] to run when you are marked as back. |
70 | |||
71 | _Commands will be evaluated and can contain [[Scripting_Identifiers|identifiers]]._ |
72 | |||
73 | h2. Back message |
74 | |||
75 | Back message. |
76 | |||
77 | _Back message will be evaluated and can contain [[Scripting_Identifiers|identifiers]]._ |