


Ban » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Per Amundsen, 05/14/2017 01:16 AM) → Revision 4/8 (Per Amundsen, 02/04/2020 09:02 PM)

_Added in 1.7_ 

 */ban [-kruN] [#channel] <nickname|address> [type] [reason]* 

 Ban someone from the current channel using their nickname or address. 

 _If you do not specify a type then only the users nickname is used. If you specify a type then the users address is looked up via the server._ 


 -k - Kick as well as banning with an optional reason. 
 -uN - Pause N seconds before removing the ban. 
 -r - Removes ban instead of adding. 
 -b - Apply the ban to the ban list. 
 -e - Apply the ban to the exception list. 
 -I - Apply the ban to the invite list. 
 -q - Apply the ban to the quiet list. 


 [#channel] - The channel to add/remove the ban. 
 <nickname|address> - Nick or address to ban. 
 [type] - Address type, see [[$mask]] for available types. (if no type is specified, ban type from Options -> Server -> Default ban type will be used) 
 [reason] - Optional reason used in combination with -k 


 ;Kicks and bans a nick from channel #test for 1 hour 
 /ban -ku3600 #test Nick Stop Spamming. 

 ;Removes ban on Nick from channel #test 
 /ban -r #test Nick 

 ;Bans all users from 
 /ban #test *!* 