


Comparison » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Mr. BS, 06/15/2015 02:31 AM) → Revision 4/13 (Mr. BS, 06/15/2015 02:34 AM)


 List revision 0.2 - Always under construction 


 Differences between *AdiIRC* and the competitor 1: 

 h1. General 

 # Binary 64 bits version available; 
 # Undo works in editbox after evaluating; 
 # Auto update and install new version at a click; 
 # Portable by essence, where you run the bin it saves the config, don't need any extra config to make it portable; 
 # Built in spell checker; 
 # Native support for emoticons on chat and scripts; 
 # Global editbox history; 
 # Tabcomplete by recent nicks; 
 # Track users away status; 
 # Encoding options on the fly per network; 
 # Native Now Playing info support for most popular media players; 
 # Tired of 0-15 colors limit? *AdiIRC* can use unlimited RGB colors. More info at [[Formatting_text#Alternative-colorchar]]; 
 # Built in away system for more control; 
 # Random slaps, quits and now playing; 
 # Powerful Plugins api; 
 # Save and restore open servers and channels; 
 # Built in System Info commands and identifiers; 
 # Auto regain nick on re-connection; 
 # Config to change browser to open links; 
 # Possibility to open links by single click; 
 # No limit to scripts support on Highlight Message field; 
 # Easy to turn off CTCP or to customize the reply, even for *version*. Check [[ctcp]] and [[ctcpreply]]; 
 # Check for irc:// links association on startup; 
 # Possibility to keep channels open on part; 
 # Always on top shortcut (default is alt+a). 

 h1. MSL (mIRC Scripting Engine) 

 # It can handle consecutive spaces. Check [[$msgx]], [[$rawmsgx]] and [[/rawx]]; 
 # Two or more *On Text* events matching same rule in same script file? no problem, *AdiIRC* will match them all. Valid for any kind/amount of events! 
 # "On On KeyDown/KeyUp events":/projects/adiirc/wiki/Scripting_Events events works in any window, making possible to override default hotkeys; 
 # Var size unlimited, don't need to appeal to bvars for most scripts; 
 # Faster scripting engine, benchmark both client to compare; 
 # Expanding the MSL language with extra identifiers/commands and parameters; 
 # Multiples and simultaneous sounds in scripts? Seems to works very well, since it uses the Windows Media Player Api; 
 # In addition to [[/remote]] [on|off] it has [[/scripts]] [on|off] to toggle Scripts entirely. 

 h1. GUI (Graphical User Interface) 

 # Statusbar; 
 # Themes manager; 
 # Improved search bar with support for regular expressions (regex); 
 # Unread messages counter on treebar windows; 
 # Customizable nick list buttons; 
 # Custom colors and style for links; 
 # Treebar nicklist; 
 # Server list manager with support to connect more than one network at once; 
 # Parsed Nicklist Tooltips; 
 # Toggle main window border; 
 # Topicbox; 
 # Friendly themes colors customize; 
 # Custom icons everywhere, to any kind of window; 
 # Custom fonts everywhere; 
 # Quick connect popup, check [[/quickconnect]]; 
 # Fully customizable window titles, not limited to [[/titlebar]]; 
 # Several monitoring panels (channel messages, url catcher, pm, highlights, notices, notify list, dcc transfers, etc); 
 # Toggle the auto focus editbox (selected text in chat are keeps selected); 
 # Toggle Menubar icon visibility; 
 # Toggle buffer scrollbars visibility; 
 # Custom colors and font in tray Tips; 
 # Toggle mute to events sounds; 
 # Fake transparent windows (uses desktop wallpaper as background); 
 # Search field on /options.