


Cycleall » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Per Amundsen, 02/09/2014 04:25 PM) → Revision 3/4 (Per Amundsen, 01/13/2017 08:27 PM)

_Added in 1.5_ 

 */cycleall */cycle [N] [message]* 

 Will part all active channels on current server and show a message if defined then delay N milliseconds and rejoin them. 

 _Was renamed from /cycle to /cycleall in 2.7._ 


 [N] - Numbers of milliseconds to delay before rejoining. 
 [message] - Part message to send. 


 ;Part all channels with part message 'Be right back in 2 seconds' and rejoin after 2 seconds. (2000 milliseconds) 
 /cycleall /cycle 2000 Be right back in 2 seconds. 

 ;Part/Join all channels at once with no delay. 