Debug » History » Revision 12
Revision 11 (Per Amundsen, 10/04/2015 06:07 PM) → Revision 12/19 (Per Amundsen, 06/26/2016 09:44 AM)
_Added in 1.5_ */debug [-cdNeinpst] [-ceinpst] [N] [on | off | @window | filename] [identifier]* Outputs raw server messages, both incoming and outgoing to a file or a custom window. If a custom window is defined, and it doesn't exist, a window will be created. If no filename or custom window is defined, default filename of "debug.log" will be used. /debug works per server. *Switches* -c - Closes the associated custom window. (used with off) -dN - Enable editbox; 0 = single, 1 = multi, 2 = auto, 3 = default. (AdiIRC only) -e - Adds extended debug information. _AdiIRC only_ -i - Calls the specified identifier before a debug line is logged. The return value of the identifier is used as the debug line. -n - Minimizes the custom window, if a new one is created. -p - TODO -s - Open a window for debugging scripts. -t - Adds timestamp to the debug line. *Parameters* [N] - Line color to use in the custom window. [on | off] - Turns debugging on or off. [@window | filename] - Custom window or filename to log to. [identifier] - Identifier to parse a line, used with -i. *Example* <pre> ; Turns on debug to custom window named '@debug' and minimizes it. /debug -n @debug ; Turns off debug and closes the custom window /debug -c off ; Turns on debug to file named 'debug.log' and enables timestamp. /debug -t debug.log </pre>