


Didtok » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Per Amundsen, 02/09/2014 06:48 PM) → Revision 3/6 (Per Amundsen, 02/09/2014 06:52 PM)

_Added in 1.9.0_ 

 */didtok <name> <id> <c> <text>* 

 Tokenizes a string by character c, then adds the result to a dialog list/combo/edit box. 


 <name> - Name of the dialog. 
 <id> - Id of the dialog control. 
 <c> - Ascii character to tokenize by. 
 <text> - Text to tokenize. 


 ;Dialog table layout. 
 dialog colors { 
   size -1 -1 100 200 
   list 1, 10 10 80 180 

 ;Run the dialog. 
 /dialog -m colors colors 

 ;Tokenize the string "red blue orange yellow" by whitespace and insert result into the list control. 
 /didtok colors 1 32 red blue orange yellow 