


FAQ » History » Revision 48

Revision 47 (Per Amundsen, 06/17/2018 06:52 AM) → Revision 48/69 (Per Amundsen, 07/29/2018 11:11 AM)


 h1. FAQ/FSS 

 h5. (Frequently Said Statements) 

 h2. I can't see emoji/some symbols 

 If you ever experience an issue with displaying unicode characters (which is not just an encoding issue), try enable [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Messages_Options|Messages]] -> [[Messages_Options#Use-alternative-text-rendering|Use alternative text rendering]]. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How do I auth/identify before I join 

 If you need to be authed with nickserv before joining a channel, you can use the [[/sleep]] (or [[/timer]]) command in your [[Serverlist Dialog|Serverlist]] "Run these commands on connect" field: 

 /msg nickserv identify <password> 
 /sleep 3 /join #channel1,#channel2 

 /sleep 3, means wait 3 seconds before running the following command. 

 _The new [[Serverlist Dialog|Serverlist]] has this feature built-in as well as "SASL": support which makes this a non issue._ 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Why doesn't Ctrl-C work 

 When you select text from the message buffer, AdiIRC will automatically copy the text to the clipboard when you release the left mouse button. 

 If you prefer to manually press %(key)CTRL% + %(key)C%, you can go to [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Messages_Options|Messages]] and disable [[Messages_Options#Automatically-copy-selected-text-to-Clipboard|Automatically copy selected text to Clipboard]]. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. TLS isn't working on a server! 

 If you experience problems connecting to a TLS only server, you can try the ".NET 4.5": version which has support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2.  

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How do I change my version reply 

 You can disable or change the CTCP VERSION reply using the [[on CTCP|CTCP event]] in a small script. 

 This can be used for any CTCP request. 

 ; Disable CTCP version reply. 
 CTCP *:VERSION:*:halt 

 ; Reply with a custom version. 
 CTCP *:VERSION:*:ctcpreply $nick IRC Version 42 | halt 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How do I disable the popups/notifications 

 Tips for various events can be disabled in [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Tips_Options|Tips]], to disable highlight tips, go to [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Highlights_Options|Highlights]], in the listbox area select "$me", then click the "Edit" button, uncheck "Tip message" and click "Save". 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How do I disable highlight sounds 

 Go to [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Highlights_Options|Highlights]], in the listbox area select "$me", then click the "Edit" button, set the sound dropdown to "No sound" and click "Save". 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How do I use CERTFP, PEM files, etc with AdiIRC. 

 AdiIRC supports only "PFX": certificates, you can convert a "PEM": certificate to "PFX": using this "openssl": format: 

 openssl pkcs12 -export -out mynick.pfx -in mynick.pem 

 For creating a new certificate, have a look "here": 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. I want to use the beta! 

 To update to a beta release, just type [[/betaup]]. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How do I add toolbar items aligned to the right 

 There is a tiny "|" separator to the right, if you right click the Toolbar and choose "Customize", you are able to drag the item to the right of that border. 


 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. My BNC/ZNC starts up so slow on AdiIRC! 

 _Should be much faster in AdiIRC 3.1._ 

 Things you can try: 

 First try adjust [[/fupdate]], if still not fast enough you can try some of the things below. 

 * Use the "XNC playback script": to only load messages since last time. 
 * Make sure you are using latest beta. 
 * Reduce [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Messages_Options|Messages]] -> Max buffer. 
 * Disable [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Monitor_Panels_Options|Monitor Panels]] -> Monitor Channels/Servers. 
 * Type "/setoption Links CaptureLinks False" to disable capturing links. 
 * Enable Disable [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Windows_Options|Windows]] -> Minimize server/channel Focus newly opened windows. 
 * Disable/reduce channel backgrounds. 
 * Disable/reduce emoticons. 
 * Disable/reduce highlights. 
 * Disable/reduce nick colors. 
 * Disable/reduce user access levels. 
 * Disable/reduce [[on TEXT]] and [[on PARSELINE]] scripts. 
 * Disable [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Logging_Options|Logging]] -> Log channels. 
 * Make sure [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Messages_Options|Messages]] -> [[Messages_Options#Use-alternative-text-rendering|Use alternative text rendering]] is unchecked. 
 * Make sure channel/main window is as large as possible (or smaller font) to avoid word wrapping. 
 * Use fixed size message font. 
 * Disable/reduce Inline Images/Animated gifs. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How do I make it so /server connects with ... 

 The default options used when connecting with [[/server]] or from Menubar -> File -> New window can be changed in [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Quick Connect Options|Quick Connect]]. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Why is 'connecting' slow on some networks 

 Some networks tries to scan your port 113 to see if you have a [[Identd]] server running, if the port is closed or the identd server is not running, it can take a while for the scan to timeout, make sure [[Identd]] server is enabled in [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Server_Options|Server]] and that port 113 is open in your firewall and router. (AdiIRC does not yet support "UPNP": 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How do I move the monitors to their own window 

 When "Lock Bars" is disabled (right click any menubar/toolbar/switchbar/statusbar/treebar to enable/disable) you can left-click the header of the monitor panel or a tab and move it with the mouse, if you release the mouse in the middle of the AdiIRC main window, the monitor will become a standalone window. 

 The window can be docked inside AdiIRC as a regular channel window by pressing CTRL + D. 

 _See also [[Monitor Panels]]._ 

 You can also undock the monitor panel into a window by right-clicking the header or tab and choose "Undock". 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How do I autojoin several channels 

 Use <code>,</code> inbetween the channels. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Does AdiIRC have a systray icon 

 Yes, check [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Tray Icon Options|Tray Icon]]. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Can I use AdiIRC without .NET 

 No, I use .NET because its fast, easy and it has large libraries which enables me to code much more in less time. On a side note, from Windows Vista, .NET is included in Windows per default. -- kr0n 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Does AdiIRC support DCC 

 Yes, both chat and file transfers 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. There is so many other IRC clients, why wasting time writing another 

 I mainly do this for fun and learning more about .NET/C# and IRC in general. -- kr0n 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. I found a bug, what do I do 

 Check and see if its been reported. If not, report it! 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. I got this great idea, can you implement it 

 Check and see if someone suggested it. If not, suggest it! 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. What does "Adi" stands for 

 Nothing really. It's an old prefix used for some other projects many years ago, and the prefix just carried over to this irc client. Original it was derived from the song A.D.I.D.A.S by the band KoRn. According to some it could stand for All Day I IRC :P -- kr0n 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Is AdiIRC open source or can I get the source 

 AdiIRC is freeware, but not open source. 

 There is a system in place in case of "bus factor": 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Can I use AdiIRC on OSX/Linux 

 Using AdiIRC on non-windows isn't as well supported, and using mono isn't supported at all. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Will you port AdiIRC to my mobile OS 

 AdiIRC is a desktop IRC client, as such it cannot be ported, a new client would have to be made from scratch and there are already good mobile IRC clients, also I have no interest in mobile IRC. --kr0n 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How do I change message fonts 

 Message fonts can be changed in [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Fonts Options|Fonts]]. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Why does task manager show high memory usage for AdiIRC 

 The task manager numbers are not the actual memory usage, the .NET framework which runs AdiIRC is like a little OS inside Windows, it allocates memory as needed and free it as needed, just like windows does, there are no such thing as a memory leak in .NET applications, except in very specific cases. 

 To show the real memory usage, you can type [[/gcmem]] in the [[Editbox Control|Editbox]]. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Does AdiIRC support "OTR": 

 There is no "OTR": support in AdiIRC and no plans to add it, however it is possible for someone to add OTR support through a [[Plugins|Plugin]] or a [[Scripting_DLL|DLL]]. (As an example, check the [[blowfish]] DLL) 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Why are some windows/channels shown on the desktop 

 Pressing %(key)CTRL% + %(key)D% toggles "Show on desktop". 

 _"Shown on desktop" status is also saved across sessions._ 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How to upgrade/downgrade AdiIRC 

 # Download the (portable) version you want from 
 # Type [[/paths]] -r to open the AdiIRC folder where AdiIRC.exe is. 
 # Close AdiIRC. 
 # Copy the downloaded file into the AdiIRC folder and replace the old AdiIRC.exe with the new one. 

 This can be done to go from stable to beta, or from 32 bit to 64 and visa versa, no other steps needed. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How to backup the config folder 

 Type [[/paths]] -o or go to Menubar -> Tools -> Config Files to open the config folder, copy it anywhere. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Antivirus flags AdiIRC as having a virus or trojan 

 AdiIRC seems to generate a lot of false positives in some antivirus programs, if possible, please submit the file to your antivirus vendor for false positive analyzes and/or white-list AdiIRC.exe. 

 If you are unsure, the false positives seems to be resolved after a few weeks, you can try update again then. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Log folder using a lot of space 

 If your log folder is using a lot of space and you don't want to delete any logs, you can compress it by right-clicking the log folder, click "Properties", click "Advanced", check "compress contents to save disk space" and press OK. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How can I temporary disable auto connect when AdiIRC starts 

 Press the %(key)SHIFT% key while clicking the AdiIRC icon/shortcut. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Missing Nicklist on Twitch 

 Add this line to the [[Serverlist Commands|Commands]] tab to your twitch server in the [[Serverlist Dialog|Serverlist]], it only works for channels with less than 1000 users. 


 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. How to ignore a message containing specific word(s) 

 For now a little scripting is needed, the script editor can be opened from Menubar -> Tools -> [[Edit Scripts]]. 

 The [[on TEXT]] event can be used to listen for specific messages on specific/all channels: 


 ; Ignore all messages containing badword on all channels. 
 on ^*:TEXT:*badword*:*:halt 

 ; Ignore all messages starting with !badword on a specific channel. 
 on ^*:TEXT:!badword*:#channel:halt 

 You can add as many as you want. 

 h4. <notextile></notextile> 

 h2. Can I distribute custom AdiIRC installers/portable versions to my users? 

 Absolutely. You can also distribute a custom [[Config Files|config.ini]] file which uses your own hostname/#channel as the default. 

 You can also bundle scripts/plugins/translations etc. 

 *Example config.ini* 


 If you have any questions [[Contact|contact us]]. 

 h2. How do I sort/re-order windows in the Treebar/Switchbar? 

 There is a window priority system in [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Windows Options|Windows]] - [[Windows_Options#Window-Order|Window Order]], simply add the name of the channel or the network name you want to have a higher priority, higher up items have higher priority.