


Filter » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Per Amundsen, 08/13/2014 10:03 AM) → Revision 2/22 (Per Amundsen, 08/13/2014 10:04 AM)

_Added in 1.9.4_ 

 */filter [-asdfkwxnpriocteubglLz] [n-n2] [c s] <infile | dialog id> <outfile | dialog id | alias> [alias] <matchtext>* 


      -w - indicates the parameter is a window 
     -f - indicates the parameter is a file 
     -a - sorts filtered lines by calling the optional [alias] parameter, the alias is passed two lines, $1 and $2, it must compare both and return -1, 0, or 1 to indicate relative sort order of these lines to each other 
     -x - excludes matching lines 
     -n - prefixes lines with a line number (the Nth match) 
     -d - TODO 
     -s - indicates the status window will be used 
     -p - TODO 
     -r - specifies the range of lines n to n2 for filtering 
     -b - strips BURK codes when matching text 
     -g - indicates the matchtext is a regular expression 
     -z - TODO 
     -k - indicates that you have specified an <alias> as the output instead of a window name. The alias will be called with the result of each filtered line with the form $<alias>($1) where $1 is the matched line 
     -i - indicates that you have provided a [dialog id] custom dialog control as the input 
     -o - indicates that you have provided a [dialog id] custom dialog control as the output 
     -c - switch clears the output window/file before writing to it 
     -t - TODO 
     -e - TODO 
     -u - TODO 
     -l - filters from the side-listbox in the first window 
     -L - filters to the side-listbox in the second window