


Globalkeys » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Per Amundsen, 12/26/2018 08:17 PM) → Revision 6/8 (Per Amundsen, 12/26/2018 08:18 PM)

_Added in 2.9_ 

 */globalkeys [-adu] [key] [command]* 

 Adds a global hotkey which will trigger without AdiIRC window being focused. 

 Format is key+key. 

 Modifiers: Ctrl, Shift, Alt. 

 Valid key names can be found "here": 

 _Typing /globalkeys with no parameters lists the current keys._ 


 -a - Adds a new key. 
 -d - Deletes a key. 
 -u - Updates the command for a key. 


 [key] - The key to add. 
 [command] - The command to run when the key is pressed. 


 ; Create a alias called 'ctrldcommand'. 
 alias ctrldcommand { echo -ag ctrl+D was pressed } 

 ; Register the shortcut Ctrl+D. 
 /globalkeys -a Ctrl+D /ctrldcommand 
 ; Pressing CTRL+D will now execute the '/ctrldcommand' command. 
 /globalkeys -a Ctrl+D /ctrldcommand 

 ; Unregister the hotkey. 
 /globalkeys -d Ctrl+D 