


Google » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (Per Amundsen, 01/07/2020 09:38 AM) → Revision 9/10 (Per Amundsen, 10/14/2021 02:21 PM)

_Added in 1.5_ 

 */google [-p] [-nN] [-t] [-d] [-s] [window] <text>* 

 Searches google for text and prints the output to current window or [window]. 

 _See also [[/pgoogle]]._ 

 _Switches can not be combined._ 


 -p (or using [[/pgoogle]]) - Send the result to the channel instead of printing. 
 -t - Specifies a 'window' is defined. 
 -nN - Show N results. 
 -d - Search using "DuckDuckGo": instead of Google. 
 -s - Show/announce the text to be searched. 


 [window] - Window to show the result. 
 <text> - Text to search. 


 ; Search for 'Star Wars' and print 5 results. 
 /google -n5 Star wars 

 ; Search for 'Natalie Portman' and send the result to #channel. 
 /google -p -t #channel Natalie Portman 