Added in 2.7

/hotlink -md [@menu]

Opens the default and/or a custom popup menu during a on HOTLINK right-click event.

See also on HOTLINK, $hotlink, $hotline, $hotlinepos.


Switch Description
-m Creates and opens a popup menu using a custom @menu
-d If @menu is defined, adds the menu items from @menu to the default popup menu, otherwise shows the default popup menu.


Parameter Description
[@menu] Custom popup menu.

Replace menu Example

; Create a popup menu called '@popup'.
menu @popup {
  Popup text:echo -ag Popup menu

; When right-clicking the word 'popup', open the custom '@popup' menu.
on *:hotlink:popup:*:{
  if ($hotlink(event) == rclick) {
    hotlink -m @popup

Append menu Example

; Create a popup menu called '@popup'.
menu @popup {
  Popup text:echo -ag Popup menu

; When right-clicking the word 'popup', open the default popup menu and appends the custom '@popup' menu items.
on *:hotlink:popup:*:{
  if ($hotlink(event) == rclick) {
    hotlink -dm @popup