


Ignore » History » Revision 7

Revision 6 (Per Amundsen, 09/22/2015 06:28 AM) → Revision 7/17 (Per Amundsen, 09/22/2015 06:31 AM)

_Added in 1.5_ 

 */ignore [-cdiklnprtuNwx] <on | off | nick | address> [type] [network]* 

 Ignore certain types of messages or all messages from a user. 
 /ignore with no parameters will show current ignore status. 

 _The nick will not be hidden in the Nicklist, and join/part/quit/mode messages will not be ignored._ 
 _If you have a query window open with the nick, the query messages will not be ignored until you close the query window._ 


 -c - Ignore channel messages. 
 -d - Ignore DCC requests. 
 -i - Ignore channel invites. 
 -k - Ignore [[Formatting_Text|control codes]]. 
 -l - List all ignores on *current* network. 
 -n - Ignores notice messages. 
 -p - Ignore private/query messages. 
 -r - Remove ignore. 
 -t - Ignore CTCP requests. 
 -uN - Remove the ignore after N seconds. 
 -w - Apply the ignore to any network. 
 -x - Indicates address should be excluded. 


 <on | off | nick | address> - Turns on/off the ignore feature, or if a nick/address is specified, applies the ignore to that user. 
 [type] - Ignore by hostmask, see [[$mask]] for available types. 
 [network] - If specified, applies the ignore on that network, otherwise applies the ignore on the current network. 


 ; Ignore all types of messages from 'Nick!*@*'. 
 /ignore Nick 

 ; Ignore only channel messages from 'Nick!*@*'. 
 /ignore -c Nick 

 ; Remove 'Nick!*@*' from the ignorelist. 
 /ignore -r Nick 

 ; Ignore DCC requests from everyone. 
 /ignore -d *!*@* 