Inline Images Options » History » Version 40
Per Amundsen, 05/03/2019 09:05 PM
1 | 4 | Per Amundsen | {{>toc}} |
2 | |||
3 | 40 | Per Amundsen | *+Images are not downloaded through the proxy options unless the "Use proxy" option below is enabled.+* |
4 | 31 | Per Amundsen | |
5 | 1 | Per Amundsen | h1. Inline Images |
6 | |||
7 | Up to 5 links is allowed per message, duplicates in a message are removed. |
8 | |||
9 | 30 | Per Amundsen | All links are matches against a whitelist of [[Scripting_Wildcards|wildcards]] or [[Scripting_Regex|regular expressions]] when enclosed in a // pattern. |
10 | |||
11 | 34 | Per Amundsen | _See also [[/inlineimage]]._ |
12 | |||
13 | 13 | Per Amundsen | h2. Use inline images |
14 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
15 | 13 | Per Amundsen | Enable or disable Inline Images support. |
16 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
17 | 13 | Per Amundsen | _When the support is disabled, all inline images is removed from all text buffers._ |
18 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
19 | 13 | Per Amundsen | _NB: Windows in the include/exclude list ignores this options._ |
20 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
21 | 13 | Per Amundsen | h2. Use animate gifs |
22 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
23 | 13 | Per Amundsen | Enable or disable animated gifs support. |
24 | 6 | Per Amundsen | |
25 | 13 | Per Amundsen | _When the support is disabled, all gifs will stop animating and show the first frame as a static image._ |
26 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
27 | 37 | Per Amundsen | h2. Use proxy |
28 | |||
29 | If enabled, the proxy associated with the current server or the global proxy server will be used when downloading images. |
30 | |||
31 | 13 | Per Amundsen | h2. Max file size |
32 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
33 | 13 | Per Amundsen | Changes the maximum file/image size to download. |
34 | 6 | Per Amundsen | |
35 | 13 | Per Amundsen | h2. Max file cache size |
36 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
37 | 16 | Per Amundsen | Sets the maximum size of the cache folder where images are downloaded to, the folder is located in [[$adiircdir]]\Cache\Preview. |
38 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
39 | 13 | Per Amundsen | AdiIRC will periodically clean the folder to match the max cache size. |
40 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
41 | 13 | Per Amundsen | h2. Max number of lines |
42 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
43 | 13 | Per Amundsen | Sets the maximum lines of text using the current font the image can occupy before being resized. |
44 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
45 | 13 | Per Amundsen | _The images keeps their aspect ration when resized, resizing by width is not supported, so a very wide image could be cut off._ |
46 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
47 | 17 | Per Amundsen | h2. Download from links with matching wildcard/regex patterns |
48 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
49 | 13 | Per Amundsen | List of allowed patterns to match with links. |
50 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
51 | 27 | Per Amundsen | _A pattern is considered a regular expression if enclosed with the "/" character, e.g /pattern/._ |
52 | |||
53 | 13 | Per Amundsen | *Wildard Example* |
54 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
55 | <pre> |
56 | 22 | Per Amundsen | Matching using various wildcard pattern. |
57 | 13 | Per Amundsen | |
58 |* |
59 | ** |
60 | *://* |
61 | 1 | Per Amundsen | </pre> |
62 | |||
63 | 13 | Per Amundsen | *Regex Example* |
64 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
65 | <pre> |
66 | 22 | Per Amundsen | Matching using various regex pattern. |
67 | 13 | Per Amundsen | |
68 | /https\:\/\/i\.imgur\.com\/.*/ |
69 | /.*i.*imgur.*com/.*/ |
70 | /.*\:\/\/i\.imgur\.com\/.*/ |
71 | 19 | Per Amundsen | |
72 | 20 | Per Amundsen | Matching any image on any hostname using a regex pattern. |
73 | 33 | Per Amundsen | /.*\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png|tiff|ico)$/i |
74 | 1 | Per Amundsen | </pre> |
75 | |||
76 | 21 | Per Amundsen | _Patterns are only matching against links already captured by AdiIRC._ |
77 | 10 | Per Amundsen | |
78 | 35 | Per Amundsen | h2. Disable inline images for channel/private windows |
79 | 10 | Per Amundsen | |
80 | 13 | Per Amundsen | Channels or users windows excluded from downloading images. |
81 | 10 | Per Amundsen | |
82 | 13 | Per Amundsen | _Per server settings can be added using network:#channel syntax._ |
83 | 10 | Per Amundsen | |
84 | 35 | Per Amundsen | h2. Always inline images for channel/private windows |
85 | 10 | Per Amundsen | |
86 | 13 | Per Amundsen | Always download images for some channels/users windows. |
87 | 10 | Per Amundsen | |
88 | 13 | Per Amundsen | _Per server settings can be added using network:#channel syntax._ |
89 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
90 | 13 | Per Amundsen | _These windows ignores/overrides the "Use inline images" option._ |
91 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
92 | 36 | Per Amundsen | h2. Ignoring images from specific users |
93 | |||
94 | There is a *Inline Images* flag when adding a ignore in [[Options Dialog|Options]] -> [[Ignore Options|Ignore]]. |
95 | |||
96 | 1 | Per Amundsen | h2. Feedback |
97 | 13 | Per Amundsen | |
98 | It can be useful to keep the [[Rawlog Dialog|Rawlog]] open to see any errors when loading images. |
99 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
100 | Would like to hear how slow/fast loading and painting the images is, and whether cpu usage is acceptable. |
101 | |||
102 | 2 | Per Amundsen | Since Taskbar memory usage is not accurate at all for .NET programs, the output from the [[/imagecache]] command could be useful to determine memory usage. |
103 | 1 | Per Amundsen | |
104 | The /imagecache command also prints the number of images in the cache, it would be useful to know whether it shrinks properly when a window buffer is cleared or the image line is removed in other ways. |
105 | 5 | Per Amundsen | |
106 | Information whether everything works as expected without inline images enabled would also be useful. |
107 | 8 | Per Amundsen | |
108 | Whether cpu usage goes down when there is no visible animated gifs. |
109 | |||
110 | Whether all images are inserted in the correct place underneath the link. |