Menubar » History » Revision 10
Revision 9 (Per Amundsen, 09/05/2015 12:18 PM) → Revision 10/28 (Per Amundsen, 09/05/2015 12:19 PM)
_Added in 1.9.0_ */menubar [on|off]* Enables or disables Menubar. [[$menubar]] can be used to determine it's state. If no parameter is defined, prints current Menubar visibility status. *Parameters* [on] - Enables Menubar. [off] - Disables Menubar. */menubar [-adishtio] <N|name> <@popup> [text]* Adds or removes custom menuitems to the Menubar. _AdiIRC only_ _(AdiIRC only)_ *Switches* (AdiIRC only) -a - Add a new topmenu. -d - Delete a topmenu. -i - Inserts a topmenu at position [N]. -s - Shows a hidden topmenu. -h - Hides a topmenu. -t - Changes the text of a topmenu. -o - Changes the @popup menu associated with the topmenu. *Parameters* <N> - Position to insert or delete at when using -i/-d. <name> - Name of a topmenu item to add/delete/modify. <@popup> - The @popup menu to associate with the topmenu. *Example* <pre> ; Setup a custom menu for the 'mymenu' topbar. menu @mymenu { Hello World:echo -ag Hello world Menu name:echo -ag Menu name is $menu } ; Adda a new top menu named 'mymenu' with the text 'Top Menu Test'. /menubar -a mymenu @mymenu Top Menu Test ; Changes the text of the topmenu named 'mymenu' to 'Top Menu Test2'. /menubar -t mymenu Top Menu Test2 ; Delete the topmenu named 'mymenu'. /menubar -d mymenu </pre>