


Mtable » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Per Amundsen, 02/16/2023 02:45 PM) → Revision 4/7 (Per Amundsen, 02/22/2023 06:04 AM)

_Added in 4.4_ 

 */mtable -aTNAV -aTNBAV <name> [N..] <item> <value>* 
 */mtable -eTNAV -eTNBAV <name> [N..] <N> <item> <value>* 
 */mtable -iTNAV -iTNBAV <name> [N..] <N> <item> <value>* 
 */mtable -d <name> [N..] <N>* 
 */mtable -f <name>* 

 Adds/removes/inserts/modifies items in a multi dimensional table/array. 

 Items are not unique and the table is always ordered based on the N position in the table. 

 _See also [[$mtable]]._ 


 | <name> | Name of the table to modify. | 
 | [N..] | Indicates the item should be added/inserted/deleted from sub table at position N, subsequent N parameters travels further down. | 
 | <N> | The Nth item in a table or sub table to modify. | 
 | <item> | The item name. | 
 | <value> | The item value. | 


 | -a | Add a new item to a table. | 
 | -e | Edit a item in a table. | 
 | -i | Insert a new item to a table. | 
 | -d | Delete a item from a table. | 
 | -f | Free/delete a table. | 
 | -T | Indicates the type is text. | 
 | -N | Indicates the type is a number. | 
 | -B | Indicates the type is a boolean. | 
 | -A | Indicates the type is a sub table/array. | 


 ; Add item1/value1 to the table 'table1'. 
 //mtable -a table1 item1 value1 

 ; Add sub table 'item2' to the table 'table1'. 
 //mtable -aA table1 item2 value2 

 ; Insert item3/value3 at position '1' in the table 'table1'. 
 //mtable -i table1 1 item3 value3 

 ; Print number of items in table 'table1'. 
 //echo -ag Number of items in table1 is $mtable(table1, 0) 

 ; Print the first items in table 'table1'. 
 //echo -ag First item in table1 is $mtable(table1, 1).item 

 ; Delete the first item in table 'table1'. 
 //mtable -d table1 1 

 ; Free the table 'table1'. 
 //mtable -f table1 

 ; Add a new sub table to table 'table1', 
 //mtable -aA table1 sub1 sub1 

 ; Add a new item to the sub table located at position '1' in table 'table1'. 
 //mtable -a table1 1 item1 value1 

 ; Print the first item in the table 'table1', which is a sub table. 
 //echo -ag First item in table1 is $mtable(table1, 1).item - $mtable(table1, 1).type 

 ; Print the first item in the sub table located at position '1' in table 'table1'. 
 //echo -ag First item in sub table1 is $mtable(table1, 1, 1).item 

 ; Generates a json output of table 'table1'. 
 // echo -ag $mtable(table1).json 

 ; Generates a ini output of table 'table1'. 
 // echo -ag $mtable(table1).ini 

 ; Generates a xml output of sub table at position '1' in table 'table1'. 
 // echo -ag $mtable(table1, 1).xml 