


Oline » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Per Amundsen, 06/02/2016 03:05 AM) → Revision 4/8 (Per Amundsen, 06/02/2016 03:05 AM)

_Added in 2.4_ 

 */oline [-hr] <@name> <N|nick> <filename>* 

 Changes the icon of the Nth Nicklist item. 


 -h - Highlights the window's button. (if window is not active) 
 -r - Reset an item in the listbox to default. 


 <@name> - Custom window name. 
 <N|nick> - The Nth Nicklist item or matching nick to change icon for. 
 <filename> - Filename of the icon. 

 alias example { 
   ; Change the icon for 'Nick' to 'c:\Pictures\icon1.png' 
   /oline Nick c:\Pictures\icon1.png 