


On CHGIAL » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Per Amundsen, 02/12/2023 06:17 PM) → Revision 2/4 (Per Amundsen, 02/12/2023 08:11 PM)

_Added in 4.4_ 

 *<notextile>on <level>:CHGIAL:<nick[,nick]>|<*>:<commands></notextile>* <level>:CHGHOST:<nick[,nick]>|<*>:<commands></notextile>* 

 Triggers when a user hostname, ident, realname, account name, away status users hostname or bot mode ident is changed. 


 <level> - The [[User Access Level]] for the event to trigger. 
 <nick[,nick]>|<*> - Nicks(s) to listen to. 
 <commands> - The commands to be performed when the event listener's criteria is met. 


 on *:CHGIAL:*:echo *:CHGHOST:*:echo -ag hostname or ident changed for $nick to $ial($nick) 