


On CTCP » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Per Amundsen, 11/16/2015 04:23 AM) → Revision 3/6 (Per Amundsen, 02/24/2017 09:35 PM)

_Added in 1.9.0_ 

 *<notextile>CTCP <level>:<matchtext>:<*|#|?>:<commands></notextile>* 

 Triggers whenever you receive a CTCP request. 

 _See also [[/ctcp]], [[/ctcpreply]], [[on CTCPREPLY]]._ 


 <level> - The [[User Access Level]] level for the event to trigger. 
 <matchtext> - The [[Matchtext]] to listen to. 
 <*|#|?> - The [[Matchtarget]] to listen to. 
 <commands> - The commands to be performed when the event listener's criteria is met. 


 ; Disable CTCP version reply. 
 CTCP *:VERSION:*:halt 

 ; Reply with a custom version. 
 CTCP *:VERSION:*:ctcpreply $nick IRC Version 42 | halt 