


Play » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Per Amundsen, 07/08/2018 06:41 PM) → Revision 5/11 (Per Amundsen, 07/09/2018 12:23 AM)

_Added in 3.2_ 

 */play [-aescpbnx q# m# f# rl# t#] [alias] [channel/nick/stop] <filename> [delay]* 

 Allows "playing" a file to a channel or private window, line by line. 

 _Empty lines are treated as a delay._ 

 _See also [[$play]], [[$pnick]]._ 


 -x - Treat the first line in the file as a regular text instead of line count if it is a number. 
 -a - Uses the [alias] parameter as the alias to be called instead of [[/msg]] or [[/notice]]. 
 -e - Echoes the line to channel/nick window as it would send them to the server (if the window does not exist, a line of the form [[/msg]] <window> <line> is displayed in the status window). 
 -s - Can be used offline, will interpret lines as actual command instead of plaintext and execute them in the status window. 
 -c - Forces AdiIRC to interpret lines as actual command instead of plaintext and execute them in the specified window. 
 -n - Uses [[/notice]] instead of [[/msg]]. 
 -p - Indicates it is a priority request, the current play request is paused and will resume once this one is finished. 
 -b - Uses the clipboard instead of a file, the clipboard is temporarily saved to a file with a name of the form playqN.txt, which is deleted once playing is completed. 
 -r - Forces a single line to be chosen randomly and played. 
 -fN - Plays the whole file starting from the specified line. 
 -tTOPIC - Forces AdiIRC to look up the specified topic/section (INI structure) in the file and play all lines under that topic/section. 
 -lN - Forces the specified line number to be played. 

 This two switches only apply for a /play request initiated via a remote definition, not by you: 

 -mN - limits the number of requests that can be queued by a specific user/channel. If the user/channel already has or exceeds the specified number of requests queued then the play request is ignored. TODO 
 -qN - Specifies the maximum number of requests that can be queued. If the queue length is already larger than or equal to the specified number then the play request is ignored. TODO 


 [alias] - If you have specified -a, the alias that will be called instead of [[/msg]] or [[/notice]]. 
 [channel/nick/stop] - The window you want to play to, if required, or "stop" if you want to stop and clear the queue. 
 [filename] - The filename you want to play. 
 [delay] - You can specify a delay, in millisecond, between each line sent. 


 ; Play the file 'file,txt' to the channel '#chan'. 
 /play #chan file.txt 

 ; Play a random line from the file 'file,txt' to the channel '#chan'. 
 /play -r #chan file.txt 

 ; Stops and clears all files in the queue. 
 /play stop 