


Play » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Per Amundsen, 07/09/2018 12:23 AM) → Revision 6/11 (Per Amundsen, 07/09/2018 12:24 AM)

_Added in 3.2_ 

 */play [-aescpbnx q# m# f# rl# t#] [alias] [channel/nick/stop] <filename> [delay]* 

 Allows "playing" a file to a channel or private window, line by line. 

 _Empty lines are treated as a delay._ 

 _See also [[$play]], [[$pnick]]._ 


 -x - Treat the first line in the file as a regular text instead of line count if it is a number. 
 -a - Uses the [alias] parameter as the alias to be called instead of [[/msg]] or [[/notice]]. 
 -e - Echoes the line to channel/nick window as it would send them to the server (if the window does not exist, a line of the form [[/msg]] <window> <line> is displayed in the status window). 
 -s - Can be used offline, will interpret lines as actual command instead of plaintext and execute them in the status window. 
 -c - Forces AdiIRC to interpret lines as actual command instead of plaintext and execute them in the specified window. 
 -n - Uses [[/notice]] instead of [[/msg]]. 
 -p - Indicates it is a priority request, the current play request is paused and will resume once this one is finished. 
 -b - Uses the clipboard instead of a file, the clipboard is temporarily saved to a file with a name of the form playqN.txt, which is deleted once playing is completed. 
 -r - Forces a single line to be chosen randomly and played. 
 -fN - Plays the whole file starting from the specified line. 
 -tTOPIC - Forces AdiIRC to look up the specified topic/section (INI structure) in the file and play all lines under that topic/section. 
 -lN - Forces the specified line number to be played. 

 This two switches only apply for a /play request initiated via a remote definition, not by you: 

 -mN - limits the number of requests that can be queued by a specific user/channel. If the user/channel already has or exceeds the specified number of requests queued then the play request is ignored. 
 -qN - Specifies the maximum number of requests that can be queued. If the queue length is already larger than or equal to the specified number then the play request is ignored. 
 _This two switches only apply for a /play request initiated via a remote definition, not by you:_ 


 [alias] - If you have specified -a, the alias that will be called instead of [[/msg]] or [[/notice]]. 
 [channel/nick/stop] - The window you want to play to, if required, or "stop" if you want to stop and clear the queue. 
 [filename] - The filename you want to play. 
 [delay] - You can specify a delay, in millisecond, between each line sent. 


 ; Play the file 'file,txt' to the channel '#chan'. 
 /play #chan file.txt 

 ; Play a random line from the file 'file,txt' to the channel '#chan'. 
 /play -r #chan file.txt 

 ; Stops and clears all files in the queue. 
 /play stop 