


Scripting Commands » History » Revision 188

Revision 187 (Per Amundsen, 03/23/2019 08:34 PM) → Revision 188/211 (Per Amundsen, 08/01/2019 06:44 PM)

 body { 
   counter-reset: count; 
 .tcount { 
   counter-reset: adi; 
 .tcount a { 
   counter-increment: count; 
 .tcount strong { 
   counter-increment: adi; 
 .acounter::before { 
   content: "Total: " counter(count) " commands, " counter(adi) " are AdiIRC exclusive. "; 


 h1. Scripting Commands 

 Parameters in [x] means they are optional. 
 Parameters in <x> means they are required. 
 Parameters with a x|y means either x or y can be used. 

 Click on a command to read more about it. 

 _Commands in bold is AdiIRC only._ 

  | [[/color]] 
  | [[/drawscroll]] 
  | [[/hfree]] 
  | *[[/mute]]* 
  |^. [[/reseterror]] 
  |^. [[/splay]] 
  |^. *[[/wseekr]]* 

 %(acounter) % 

 h2. System information Commands 

 Output from these are set in [[Options_Dialog|Options]] -> [[Sysinfo Options|Sysinfo]] and are merely convenient aliases. 


 h2. Missing Commands 


 h2. Command prefixes 

 /! prefix will execute the internal command, even if there is a alias with the same name. 


 ; Override the /me command, 
 alias me { 
   ; use the /! prefix to call the internal command. 
   /!me $1- 

 /. prefix can be used to silence the output from many command. 


 /.msg #channel This message will be hidden from your client, but still sent to the server. 

 Both prefix's can be used at the same time. 


 /!.msg #channel This message will be hidden from your client, but still sent to the server. 

 /!& prefix allows delaying evaluation of the last parameter if the parameter is a %variable, this allows using consecutive spaces in commands such as [[/me]] and [[/msg]]. (AdiIRC only) 


 ; Put a double spaced text inside the variable '%s'. 
 //var %s test $chr(32) $chr(32) test 

 ; Call the /msg command using the /!& prefix to delay the evaluation of '%s'. 
 /!&msg # %s 

 h2. Evaluate identifiers from Editbox 

 Typing a command in the Editbox with double slashes// will evaluate [[Scripting Identifiers|$identifiers]] in the line before running it. 
 E.g //echo -ag My nick is $me 

 You can also [[tabcomplete]] [[Scripting Identifiers|$identifiers]] manually using $me<tab>. 

 h2. Creating a new command 

 You can create a new command by opening the menu Tools -> Edit Aliases. 

 The format for the command is <command> <script to execute>. 


 ; Creates a new command '/p' which will evaluate and then execute the script '/part $chan'. 
 /p /part $chan 

 You can also add a command from the script editor, the syntax there is alias <command> <script to execute> 


 ; Creates a new command '/p' which will evaluate and then execute the script '/part $chan'. 
 ; Same as previous example. 
 alias p /part $chan 

 If you want to use scripts with multiple lines, you can enclose them with {} brackets in both Edit Aliases and Script Editor. 

 ; Edit Aliases 
 /p { 
   /echo -ag I am parting $chan 
   /part $chan 

 ; Script editor 
 alias p { 
   /echo -ag I am parting $chan 
   /part $chan 

 Almost all built-in commands can be overridden to execute your own script. 


 ; Create your own /part command 
 alias part { 
   /echo -ag I am parting $chan 
   raw PART $chan 

 ; Create your own /part command, but execute the built-in /part command after executing your own script. 
 alias part { 
   /echo -ag I am parting $chan 

   ; Execute the built-in part command 
   !part $chan 

 A command can also be called as a $identifier. 


 ; Create a command. 
 alias mycommand { 
   echo -ag I was called as a $iif($isid,identifier,command) 

 ; Call the command as identifier. 
 //noop $mycommand 

 ; Call the command as a command. 