


Scripting Operators » History » Revision 23

Revision 22 (Per Amundsen, 10/22/2015 04:01 PM) → Revision 23/64 (Per Amundsen, 10/22/2015 04:07 PM)

h1. Scripting Operators 


 h2. Math Comparison Operators 

 |_.Syntax |_.Name |_<.Result | 
  |=. <notextile>%x == %y</notextile> 
 <notextile>%x = %y</notextile> 
 <notextile>%x != %y</notextile> 
 <notextile>%x !== %y</notextile> 
 <notextile>%x < %y</notextile> 
 <notextile>%x > %y</notextile> 
 <notextile>%x <= %y</notextile> 
 <notextile>%x >= %y</notextile> 
 <notextile>%x // %y</notextile> 
 <notextile>%x \\ %y</notextile> 
 <notextile>%x & %y</notextile> 
  |^. Equal 
 Not equal 
 Not equal 
 Less than 
 Greater than 
 Less than or equal to 
 Greater than or equal to 
 Multiple Of (Divides) 
 Not Multiple Of (Not Divides) 
 Bitwise And 
  |^. True, if %x is equal to %y. 
 True, if %x is equal to %y. 
 True, if %x is not equal to %y. 
 True, if %x is not equal to %y. 
 True, if %x is strictly less than %y. 
 True, if %x is strictly greater than %y. 
 True, if %x is less than or equal to %y. 
 True, if %x is greater than or equal to %y. 
 True, if %x divides %y. 
 True, if %x does not divides %y. 
 True, if (bit representation of) %x AND %y is a none zero. 

 h2. String Comparison Operators 

 |_.Syntax |_.Name |_<.Result | 
  |=. %x isin %y 
 %x isincs %y 
 %x iswm %y 
 %x iswmcs %y 
 %x isnum 
 %x isnum N 
 %x isnum N- 
 %x isnum N-M 
 %x isletter 
 %x isletter N 
 %x isalnum 
 %x isalpha 
 %x islower 
 %x isupper 
  |^. Is In 
 Is In (case sensitive) 
 Wildcard Matching 
 Wildcard Matching (case sensitive) 	
 Is Digit 
 Is Digit, Equal to 
 Is Digit, Greater than or equal to 
 Is Digit, in Range 
 Is a Letter 
 Is a Letter In A List 
 Alphanumeric Characters 
 Alphabetic Characters 
 All lower case letters 
 All upper case letters 
  |^. True, if %x is fully found inside %y. 
 True, if %x is fully found inside (case sensitive) %y. 
 True, if wildcard string %x matches %y. 
 True, if wildcard string %x matches (case sensitive) %y. 
 True, if %x is a number. 
 True, if %x is number N. 
 True, if %x is number N or greater. 
 True, if %x is a number between N and M (inclusively). 
 True, if %x is a letter. 
 True, if %x is a letter in a list of letters. 
 True, if %x contains only alphabetic or numeric characters. 
 True, if %x contains only alphabetic characters. 
 True, if %x contains only lower case letters. 
 True, if %x contains only upper case letters. 

 h2. String Comparison Operators 

 |_.Syntax |_.Name |_<.Result | 
  |=. <notextile>a == b</notextile> 
 <notextile >a === b</notextile> 
 <notextile >str1 == str2</notextile> 
 <notextile >str1 === str2</notextile> 
 a < b 
 a > b 
 str1 < str2 
 str1 > str2 
  |^. Case insensitive character comparison 
 Case sensitive character comparison 
 Case insensitive String comparison 
 Case sensitive String comparison 
 Lexicographically Less ThanLexicographically Less Than 
 Lexicographically Greater Than 
 Lexicographically Less Than 
 Lexicographically Greater Than 
  |^. True, if character a is equal to character b, case insensitive. 
 True, if character a is equal to character b, case sensitive. 
 True, if str1 equals str2 in a case insensitive manner. 
 True, if str1 equals str2 in a case sensitive manner. 
 True, if the [[$asc]](a) comes before [[$asc]](b) 
 True, if the [[$asc]](a) comes after [[$asc]](b) 
 True, if str1 comes before str2 
 True, if str1 comes after str2 

 h2. Channel-related Operators 

 |_.Syntax |_.Name |_<.Result | 
  |=. %x ison %y 
 %x isop %y 
 %x ishop %y 
 %x issop %y 
 %x isowner %y 
 %x isvoice %y 
 %x isreg %y 
 %x ischan 
 %x isban %y 
 %x isinvite %y  
 %x isexcept %y 
  |^. Is On 
 Is an Operator 
 Is a Halfop 
 is a Protected Operator 
 Is a Channel Owner 
 Is a Voice 
 Is a Regular 
 Is a Channel 
 Is a ban 
 Ia a Invite 
 Is a Except 
 True, if nick %x is on channel %y. 
 True, if nick %x is an operators on channel %y. 
 True, if nick %x is a halfop on channel %y. 
 True, if nick %x is a protected operator on channel %y. 
 True, if nick %x is a channel owner on channel %y. 
 True, if nick %x is a voice on channel %y. 
 True, if nick %x is a regular user on channel %y. 
 True, if channel %x is a channel you are on. 
 True, if ban address %x is a ban on channel %y. (taken from IBL) 
 True, if invite address %x is a invite on channel %y. (taken from IIL) 
 True, if except address %x is a except on channel %y. (taken from IEL) 