Server » History » Revision 26
Revision 25 (Per Amundsen, 11/15/2015 04:19 AM) → Revision 26/55 (Per Amundsen, 12/23/2015 06:45 AM)
_Added in 1.5_ */server [host/ip address/network label] [port] [password] [-switches..]* Connects to a new server. *Parameters* [host/network label] - Host to join, can be a ip address or host name, can also be a network label from the serverlist or the default serverlist. [port] - Port to use. (+port indicate connection should be a SSL connection, * indicates a STARTTLS connection) [password] - The server password to use, normally used for bnc login. *Switches* [-j/-join #channel pass] - Channels to join as a comma separated list. [-new/-m/] - Indicates connection should happen in a new server window. <notextile> [-forcessl N] - Forces a specific SSL/TLS version, 0 = ssl2, 1 = ssl3, 2 = tls1.0, 3 = tls1.1, 4 = tls1.2 (tls1.1 and tls1.2 is only available in the .net 4+ version)</notextile> [-n] - Indicates connection should happen in a new server window, but not connect. [-z] - Minimizes the new server window. [-p/-pass password] - Another way to set the server password to use, normally used for bnc login. [-e/-ssl] - Indicates connection should be a SSL connection. [-t] - Indicates connection should be a STARTTLS connection. [-u/-user username] - The server login username to use, normally used for bnc login. [-nick nick] - The nick to use. [-an/-anick alternate nick] - Alternative nick to use. [-r/-real fullname] - Fullname to use. [-port port] - Another way to set what port to use. [-i nick anick email name] - Another way to set nick, alternative nick, server username and fullname. [-d encoding] - Encoding to use on this server. [-cert file] - Custom SSL client certificate to use for this server. [-4] - Connect to ipv4 addresses. [-6] - Connect to ipv6 addresses. [-g] - Prioritize ipv6 addresses. [-l N] - Use [[login method]] N. [-x 4|5|h|n hostname post username password] - Connect using custom Sockv4/Sockv5/http or no proxy. *Example* <pre> ; Connect port 6667 in a new server window with nick MyNick, alt nick MyNick_ and join channels #chan1,#chan2,#chan3. /server -m 6667 -nick MyNick -an MyNick_ -j #chan1,#chan2,#chan3 ; Connect a network label from the serverlist named 'NordicIRC' /server -m NordicIRC ; Connect a network label from the default serverlist named 'Freenode' /server -m Freenode </pre>